
Ecology and Environment

I am a Leaf

Earth Day poem #2     Before the old streetsweeper comes I take a lingering look at the leaves now burnt brown crusty and curled on their new concrete bed down their original home still standing up to the clearing…


Earth Day poem #1     This morning, I picked flowers on the wayside as the sun tarried with its light, pinched off a stem with orange blooms just dotting palm-sized leaves, then a solitary hibiscus queenly in yellow and…

Contempt for the Earth and its inhabitants

On April 22 [2023], the UN celebrated Earth Day 2023. All indicators show the extent of contempt that the world’s most powerful rulers, especially the “Western” ones, have for the Earth and its inhabitants (human and non-human). Take, first of…

Earth Day: Groups Advocate for Toxics-Free Circular Economy

22 April 2023, Quezon City.  As Earth Day is observed amid the planetary chemical and pollution crisis, advocates push for actions to ensure chemicals are produced, used, and managed in a way that will prevent their harmful impacts on human…

Declare Climate Emergency Now!

BBM challenged to declare a national state of climate emergency; Climate activists and faith-based groups commit to do the same and take Bold Actions Quezon City, 20 April 2023 – In celebration of Earth Day, climate activists and concerned citizens…

Finance’s role in the disappearance of an indigenous people in Paraguay

In 2022, an isolated indigenous group disappeared in the Brazilian Amazon. With the death of one man, the last member of an isolated tribe, an entire culture can disappear. But this disappearance did not happen on the spur of the…

Disinformation about the radioactivity of depleted uranium

Following the news of March 2023 on the possible shipment of depleted uranium weapons to Ukraine, the CRIIRAD (1) returns to the disinformation on the radioactivity of depleted uranium. Interviewed on 27/3/2023 at 9:40 a.m. on LCI, Bruno Chareyron was…

Failing crops, water rationing and a prison sentence: the reality of water scarcity in Tunisia

In response to the country’s worst drought on record, the Tunisian national water distribution company has declared that it will be cutting off water supply to citizens for seven hours a night during Ramadan with the possibility of extension even…

Leading lawyers take side of climate activists

As climate scientists offer final warnings on our planet’s future, climate activists are becoming more and more determined to force change – whatever the cost. Their protests are increasingly controversial and disruptive, as those looking to secure the planet’s future…

There is no alternative to war: a dogma to be questioned

It is likely painful for everyone to see how far over the years our ways of thinking have drifted not only from each other but also from what we took for granted, perhaps rashly, in a period of intense collective…

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