
Ecology and Environment

Wildfire in Northern of Quebec and massive destruction of wildlife

Last Wednesday as I landed in Montreal back from the inauguration of the Casa Giorgi Park of Study and Reflection in Italy. I learned that the Northern Quebec where I grew up was on fire and that several members of…

Lula explains the plan to end deforestation in Amazon by 2030

Brazilian President Lula da Silva presented his plan to end deforestation in the Amazon by 2030. Together with Environment Minister Marina Silva, he made the announcement as part of the initiatives taken by the government to combat climate change. “Due…

Brazil, Lula: “We will eliminate deforestation in the Amazon by 2030”

Brazil’s president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has promised that the deforestation process suffered by the Brazilian Amazon will end by 2030, after making combatting indiscriminate logging and forest removal the centerpiece of his environmental policy. Lula’s Brazilian socialist government…

France’s Global Warming Predicament

When one of the world’s most developed culturally elite countries, France, tosses in the towel on the IPCC 2°C barrier, it sends a loud and clear message that the global warming fight is losing the battle. Seriously, France expects 4°C.…

From both sides of the opposition to the TAV the umpteenth appeal to the EU Parliament. When will a response be forthcoming?

It was exactly a month ago when even our mainstream press couldn’t help but register (to the general consternation) the not inconsiderable uncertainty on the part of the French government about its willingness to proceed with the trumpeted Great Work…

Groups Urge Philippines to Ratify Agreement vs. Toxic Waste Trade Following Thailand’s Ratification

8 June 2023, Quezon City.  Environmental health and justice groups lauded the Government of Thailand for joining the global efforts to control unwanted imports of hazardous waste and other wastes by ratifying the Basel Convention Ban Amendment. Thailand accepted the…

Judge Rules in Favor of Juliana v. United States Youth Plaintiffs; Children’s Constitutional Climate Case Can Proceed to Trial

June 1, 2023 – Less than two weeks before the first-ever constitutional climate trial in U.S. history is slated to begin in Montana, U.S. District Court Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the youth plaintiffs in the landmark children’s climate case…

“Get solutions to beat plastic pollution,” says BAN Toxics

Environment watchdog group BAN Toxics held a symbolic “walk for creation” on June 5 to emphasize the urgency of people’s actions on plastic pollution in time for World Environment Day.  The walk started from Barasoain Church to La Consolacion University…

Launch of “Making Peace with the Earth: An Ecofeminist Manifesto” – June 5th in Rome

Monday, June 5th, 2023, from 11 am Associazione della Stampa Estera in Italia (Via dell’Umiltà, 83, Rome, Italy)  “Making Peace with the Earth  Through Diversity, Mutuality, Non-Violence & Care” An Ecofeminist Manifesto Press Conference with Dr Vandana Shiva in Rome…

BAN Toxics calls for a meaningful plastics treaty to cut plastic pollution in Philippines

“As countries negotiate the second round of international negotiations (INC-2) in Paris, France this week, we forward our calls to global leaders to demand a binding treaty for plastic reduction, global transparency, and uphold the rights and environmental justice of…

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