
Ecology and Environment

PMPI: Surface missing advocates Jhed Tamano and Jonila Castro. Protect environmental defenders.

Philippine Misereor Partnership Inc. is deeply concerned about the disappearance of two young women environmental advocates Jhed Tamano and Jonila Castro aged 21 and 22, who went missing on September 2, 2023. These young environmental advocates were reportedly abducted while…

Japan’s Insane Immoral Illegal Radioactive Dumping

Japan cannot possibly outlive the atrocity of dumping radioactive wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. In fact, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) is an example of how nuclear meltdowns negatively impact the entire world, as its toxic wastewater travels across the…

Wild and Wonderful: The Red Panda’s Untold Story

by: Assaf Levy, BioDB   Picture this: A creature, small yet striking, wrapped in russet fur so vivid it could ignite the darkest of forests with its fiery charm. Its eyes, framed by a mask of darkness, hold a centuries-old…

500 Groups Endorse NYC March to End Fossil Fuels

“It’s been a summer of scorching heat waves that have shattered records, relentless wildfires that have led to mass casualties, and raised sea levels that are encroaching upon our city’s edges – these are not isolated incidents, but urgent calls…

Mega Risks Threaten Earth

The Council for the Human Future, a dedicated group of intelligent well-informed people, has identified ten Mega Risks to Earth. As it happens, all ten risks are threatening the planet all at the same time. Consequently, the board of the…

The indomitable resistance of Turkish citizens against the mines in Akbelen forest

The inhabitants of the Akbelen forest in southwestern Turkey are not giving up. They literally cling to the trees, with the aim of protecting them from the deforestation that the Turkish company YK Energy, close to the Government, would like…

The state of the environment and ecological balance protected by Costa Rica’s Constitution

Article 50 of our Political Constitution was reformed by Law No. 7412 of 3 June 1994. It included the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment. Thirty years have passed. In this regard, it is worth asking if this…

Reinventing ourselves to save the planet

We can’t keep being the human beings who live to destroy. By Frida Berrigan Too hot. Too dry. Too many weapons. This world needs changing. But that’s too vague. After all, this world is already changing, just not in ways…

Ecuador’s Citizens Vote to Stop All Oil Drilling in Biodiverse Amazonian National Park

Ecuador’s Yasuní National Park is home to one of the most biodiverse concentrations of plant and animal life on Earth. In an historic vote of nearly 60 percent in favor, Ecuadorian citizens chose to stop the development of new oil wells in the park,…

The Moneyless Economy Is Thriving in America

The free and shared goods economy is creating community resilience and alternatives to trash culture for millions of people. By April M. Short Humans have a serious stuff problem. We keep making and buying new things when most of the…

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