
Ecology and Environment

Taking Stock of Global Efforts to Halt Climate Change

On 8 September, the United Nations released its Global Stocktake report on climate change. The report “enables countries and other stakeholders to see where they’re collectively making progress toward meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement – and where they’re…

Mindanao Sakay-Lakad-Layag or SaLakYag 2023: Promoting Environmental Awareness and Climate Action

The Mindanao Sakay-Lakad-Layag or SaLakYag 2023, a significant environmental event, kicked off on 2 October 2023. Organized by the Mindanao clusters of Philippine Misereor Partnership, Inc., namely the ZAMBASULI (Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-tawi), DOPIM (Dipolog, Ozamis, Pagadian, Iligan, Marawi), DRC…

Results at the United Nations Science Summit: Argentina with 100% agrotoxins

The total (100%) of Argentinean participants in international research on pesticides “presented a range of 6 to 13 pesticides in urine, a range of 2 to 10 pesticides in blood and a range of 0 to 18 pesticides in faecal…

Antarctica Hits Records as Global Heat Looms Large for 2024

“Climate breakdown has begun. Our climate is imploding faster than we can cope,” UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. (Source: 2024 Likely to be Hottest Year on Record,, September 6, 2023) A report from the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR)…

Landmark ‘David and Goliath’ Youth Climate Trial Begins

In an “unprecedented” climate change case, six young people from areas in Portugal affected by heat waves and wildfires took 32 European governments to court today, arguing that the countries’ failure to take swift action on the climate crisis violated their human rights. By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes The European Court of…

Scientists on trial for warning of ecological crisis

Scientists in Rebellion & Extinction Rebellion – 26 September 2023 On the morning of 5 October 2023, 7 scientists and activists will go on trial before the Paris Police Court following an action they took in April 2022 to warn…

Family farm in Cuba innovates production with a clean energy mix

Combining technologies and innovations to harness the potential of solar, wind, hydro and biomass allows Finca del Medio to be a leader in Cuba in the use of clean energy, which is the basis of its agro-ecological and environmental sanitation…

Blood carbon

“These people have sold our air”. This is the title of the shocking report of the “Blood Carbon” campaign that the international organisation Survival, which fights for the rights of indigenous peoples, has directed to raise awareness of what is…

Philippine Ban on Lead Paints Feted in Bonn, Germany

28 September 2023, Quezon City.  The historic ban on lead-containing paints in the Philippines was applauded in two side events held in conjunction with the fifth session of the International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in Bonn, Germany. Convened in…

Arauco forestry, monoculture tree plantations and the Mbya Guarani People standing up

Report from the indigenous community Puente Quemado 2, which demands the return of territories and the withdrawal of the multinational Arauco. “The monoculture of pine trees is a tragedy and we are going to fight to recover the forest”, says…

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