
Ecology and Environment

Elephant Poaching Across Africa ‘Alarmingly High’

The level of elephant poaching across Africa remains alarmingly high, according to a new United Nations-backed report released on 13 June 2014, which also found an increase in the number of large seizures of ivory.* “Africa’s elephants continue to face…

G77: “Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra” prioritizes struggle to eradicate poverty

Santa Cruz, June 15 (MC) -. The “Declaration of Santa Cruz de la Sierra” from the G77 Summit “Towards a New World Order to Live Well” stated as a priority of its member countries to eradicate poverty as main objective…

In Developing World, Pollution Kills More Than Disease

By Stephen Leahy UXBRIDGE, Canada, Jun 13 2014 (IPS) – Pollution, not disease, is the biggest killer in the developing world, taking the lives of more than 8.4 million people each year, a new analysis shows. That’s almost three times…

Chile’s Patagonia Celebrates Decision Against Wilderness Dams

By Marianela Jarroud The Chilean government rejected Tuesday the controversial HidroAysén project for the construction of five hydroelectric dams on rivers in the south of the country. The decision came after years of struggle by environmental groups and local communities,…

Altai Charter: Society, Human and Nature Co-Development within the Framework of the Dialogue of Civilizations

For: World Public Forum, Dialogue of Civilizations. For Pressenza: Iván Novotny We, the participants of the First Altai Forum on Society, Human and Nature Co-Development within the Framework of the Dialogue of Civilizations, united by our common desire to build…

Small Farmers’ Loss of Land Increases World Hunger

By Stephen Leahy UXBRIDGE, Canada, May 29 2014 (IPS) – The world is increasingly hungry because small farmers are losing access to farmland. Small farmers produce most of the world’s food but are now squeezed onto less than 25 percent…

Highland Spring?

Will Scotland please get off its knees and challenge the people who claim to own it. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 20th May 2014 “I’d vote yes to rid Scotland of its feudal landowners” Power’s ability to resist…

Laos “Land Grabs” Drive Subsistence Farmers into Deeper Poverty

BAN HOUYTHAO (IRIN*) – “Land grabs” in Laos are driving poor farmers, including ethnic minorities, off their land, away from livelihoods they know and into further poverty, activists and experts say. “When these lands [are given] to companies and converted to…

How Much Water Do We Use For … ?

The world contains an estimated 1 400 million cubic km of water, but only 0.003% of this vast amount -about 45 000 cubic km- are what is called “fresh water resources” – water that theoretically can be used for drinking,…

A Third of Our Food Depend on Bees and Other Insects — Don’t Kill Them!

By Matthias Wüthrich, Greenpeace* A third of our food, including some of our most delicious produce such as apples, tomatoes and coffee, along with most of the flowering plants on earth, depend on honeybees, wild bees and other insects for…

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