
Ecology and Environment

Every Dollar Invested in Water, Sanitation Brings Four-Fold Return in Costs – UN

Human Wrongs Watch For every dollar invested in water and sanitation, there is a $4.3 return in the form of reduced health care costs for individuals and society around the world, where 2.5 billion people still lack access to basic…

Land, safaris and the Maasai people. Do they know they are human?

As Band-Aid re-records their song Do they know it’s Christmas which helped Africans during a food crisis 30 years ago, this time to help fight Ebola, Tanzania is planning an expansion of a big-game hunting reserve for foreigners which will…

A nascent anti-nuclear movement emerges in Bolivia

“The best way of liberating ourselves is also having nuclear energy for peaceful purposes,” declared President Evo Morales of Bolivia on the 2nd of October in La Paz during his announcement that the highland area around the capital would be…

On International Day, UN Urges Protection of Environment from ‘Ravages of War’

Human Wrongs Watch From the contamination of land to the plundering of natural resources, the environment has long been a “silent casualty” of war, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 6 November 2014 affirmed as he warned that the fast-changing…

Illegal Killing of Elephants for Their Ivory Is Now at “Critically High Levels” in Africa

Human Wrongs Watch The illegal killing of elephants for their ivory is now at “critically high levels” in Africa with increased involvement by organized crime groups, leading to their possible extinction in parts of the continent, the UN Office for…

Interstellar: magnificent film, insane fantasy

Movies about abandoning Earth reflect the political defeatism of our age: that adapting to climate breakdown is preferable to stopping it By George Monbiot for The Guardian, Tuesday 11 November 2014 “It’s like we’ve forgotten who we are,” the hero…

On International Day, UN Urges Protection of Environment from ‘Ravages of War’

Human Wrongs Watch From the contamination of land to the plundering of natural resources, the environment has long been a “silent casualty” of war, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 6 November 2014 affirmed as he warned that the fast-changing…

A conference on gender dimensions of weather and climate services

  Human Wrongs Watch Aiming to develop more gender-sensitive services, a United Nations-led conference kicking off on 5 November 2014  in Geneva is spearheading a drive to ensure that weather and climate services reduce women’s vulnerability to disasters and climate…

Climate Change: Afghans on the Front Line

  Human Wrongs Watch By Joe Dyke, Mazar-i-Sharif, 4 November 2014 (IRIN)* – In northern Afghanistan, the residents don’t often use the phrase – most don’t even know it. But as they describe how increasingly extreme weather patterns are making their lives harder…

In Guatemala, indigenous communities prevail against Monsanto

By Jeff Abbott for Waging Nonviolence Late in the afternoon of September 4, after nearly 10 days of protests by a coalition of labor, indigenous rights groups and farmers, the indigenous peoples and campesinos of Guatemala won are rare victory.…

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