
Ecology and Environment

UK Environmental Agency warns of risk to nuclear dump

According to a report by The Guardian “Britain’s nuclear dump is virtually certain to be eroded by rising sea levels and to contaminate the Cumbrian coast with large amounts of radioactive waste, according to an internal document released by the…

Momentum on Fossil Fuel Divestment Grows as Harvard Professors, Desmond Tutu Call for Action

Momentum is growing in the movement to divest from fossil fuel companies. On Thursday, South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu called for an anti-apartheid-style boycott and disinvestment campaign against the industry for its role in driving climate change. Meanwhile, nearly 100…

Is India on a Totalitarian Path? Arundhati Roy on Corporatism, Nationalism and World’s Largest Vote

By Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! As voting begins in India in the largest elections the world has ever seen, we spend the hour with Indian novelist and essayist Arundhati Roy. Nearly 815 million Indians are eligible to vote, and…

As Planet Warms, Clean Energy Investments Take a Dive

By Samuel Oakford for Inter Press Service UNITED NATIONS, Apr 7 2014 (IPS) – Policy uncertainty and plummeting solar prices led to a 14-percent decrease in investment in renewable energy in 2013, according to a report released Monday. Investment fell…

Loved to Death

By embracing their critics and colonising governments, corporations engineer a world of conformity and consumerism. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 8th April 2014 How do you engineer a bland, depoliticised world, a consensus built around consumption and endless…

Japan’s ‘Research Whaling’ Ruled Illegal by International Court of Justice

By Tom Ganderton, Greenpeace The Government of Japan has officially cancelled plans to hunt whales in the Southern Ocean this coming year. Whales everywhere will be jumping for joy today. Why? Japan’s sham ‘scientific whaling’ program me has just been declared ILLEGAL in…

Ominous Signs of Climate Change, Visible Everywhere… Act Now Before It Is Too Late!

From the tropics to the poles, from small islands to large continents, and from the poorest countries to the wealthiest, the ominous signs of climate change are profoundly visible, said UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, calling for transformative collective action to tackle…

Climate Science’s Dire Warning: Humans Are Baking the Planet

The majority of the world is convinced that humans are changing the climate, for the worse. Now, evidence is mounting that paints just how grim a future we are making for ourselves and the planet. We will experience more extreme…

In Bolivia, being a journalist and organizer go together

Marta Molina for Waging Nonviolence Susana Pacara, one of the founders of Radio Lachiwana in Cochabamba, Bolivia, believes that communication work is a key part of the defense of territory. She doesn’t mean this in an abstract way. Over the…

The Neverending ‘Wakeup Call’

By David Cromwell and David Edwards for Media Lens The new report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is clear that the impacts of climate change are likely to be ‘severe, pervasive and irreversible’. Impacts include droughts, floods,…

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