
Ecology and Environment

New film highlights Ecuador’s fight with Chevron over Amazon contamination

The Afectados New short documentary starring Julie Christie highlights chronic Amazon pollution as oil giant Chevron fights $9.5 billion fine Amazon Watch: “One of the worst environmental disasters on the planet” Indigenous Ecuadorians claim increases in spontaneous miscarriage and cancer…

Norway’s “No to Coal”, a Challenge to Decision Makers Worldwide

Human Wrongs Watch By Johan Hammerstrøm* Today’s [5 June 2015] vote in the Norwegian Parliament marks a truly historic event: It is the first time in history that all our politicians — left-leaning and right-leaning — have come together to…

Small-scale agriculture viable in Hong Kong

The Legislative Council’s panel on food safety and environmental hygiene released its paper on sustainable agricultural development, asking for comments prior to the next meeting on June 9, 2015.  The Humanist Association of Hong Kong submitted a brief comment on…

Is life just a movie or a reality?

These days the frequency of earthquakes occuring all around the world is giving alarm while the warning horns of racing ambulances trying to get through jammed traffic to reach hospital is a common sight. It is supposed that drivers in…

Okinawa, Japan: fighting to save nature and culture

The right-wing newspaper, Washington Times, ran a piece on Monday entitled “The other side to the Okinawa story: The ‘All Okinawa’ opposition to US military presence [occupation] is a leftist ruse”. The hit piece was written by Robert Eldridge (former…

Did we almost lose New York?

For the third time in a decade, a major fire/explosion has ripped apart a transformer at the Indian Point reactor complex. by Harvey Wasserman* reposted with permission from EcoWatch News reports have taken great care to emphasize that the accident happened…

Women and Biodiversity Feed the World, Not Corporations and GMOs

By Prof. Vandana Shiva* 28 May 2015 – TRANSCEND Media Service — Biodiverse ecological agriculture in women’s hands is a solution not just to the malnutrition crisis, but also the climate crisis. The two great ecological challenges of our times are…

Food Worries Widen in Mauritania

Human Wrongs Watch By Mamoudou Lamine Kane and Jennifer Lazuta* NOUAKCHOTT, 26 May 2015 (IRIN) – Hundreds of thousands of Mauritanians are struggling to feed themselves as they fall victim to the effects of climate change. A chronically hungry country,…

A Lenape Call for a new cycle of consciousness to protect Mother Earth

The Abolition 2000 Annual Meeting took place on Saturday, May 2, during the Non-Proliferation Treaty Conference. It was opened with a moving welcome and greeting sent from the Lenape Center with a call for a new cycle of consciousness to…

Congo: tackling the trade in conflict minerals

My name is Bandi Mbubi. When I first came to the UK from the Democratic Republic of the Congo over 20 years ago, I was homesick. I missed my family and the friends I left behind; communication was extremely difficult. Today…

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