
Ecology and Environment

Single-Use Food Packaging from 17 Countries Contains PFAS “Forever Chemicals”

19 December 2023, Gothenburg City, Sweden/Quezon City Philippines. A study released today by the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) and 18 IPEN member groups found toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals, including globally banned substances, in single-use, paper, cardboard,…

Joint statement by activists and organisations against the signing of the Chile-EU Treaty

Stop Colonial Plunder! Joint Statement Against the signing of the Chile-EU Treaty Organisations, politicians and activists from the European Union and Chile signed a joint declaration promoted by Chile Mejor sin TLC, Against the Chile/European Union Treaty, signed on 13/Dec…

Bangladesh: Importance of climate financing for green energy

Deliberations at COP 28, the 28th UN Climate Summit in Dubai, have focused on several strategies for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere to slow down climate change and global warming. To identify methods to fund non-carbon and…

Global Warming Slices & Dices Greenland

Northern Greenland is under attack by global warming at the same time as delegates to COP28 heap praise on a purported landmark deal to transition out of fossil fuels but beware of the true meaning behind the language. Its disingenuousness…

Biruté Mary Galdikas: The Great Forgotten One

A lifetime dedicated to the defence of orangutans and their habitat. Everyone knows the popular Jane Goodall, who has won many awards for her work but who for years has only given conferences and events wherever the Jane Goodall Institute…

Dubai Is a Fitting Host for the Climate Circus

A host nation that promises progress but relies on regressive policies is revealing just how seriously fossil fuel interests have coopted UN climate talks. By Sonali Kolhatkar In January 2023, nearly a year before the latest United Nations climate conference…

Wildfires Have Erased Two Decades’ Worth of Air Quality Gains in U.S., Study Finds

In recent years, many people have learned first-hand how destructive wildfires can be. Even if they weren’t forced to evacuate their homes, millions in Canada and the United States have had to breathe acrid air polluted with wildfire smoke. By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes A new study has…

Children’s Protection from Chemical Hazards Pushed

13 December 2023, Quezon City.  Children, including babies in the womb, are highly vulnerable to the harmful effects of hazardous chemicals that can put their health and future at risk, thus the need for research, policies, and risk communication to…

Latest COP28 Draft Does Not Mention Fossil Fuel Phaseout

As the United Nations COP28 climate talks entered the final stretch, the most recent draft of a climate deal left out the crucial “phase out” language regarding fossil fuels, the main demand expressed by many developing countries, particularly those vulnerable to climate change, as…

Climate Action Network Canada calls on Canada to step up and push higher ambition in final COP28 agreement

As international climate negotiations come down to the wire at COP28, and with the new draft Global Stocktake text falling severely short of what’s needed, civil society is calling on Canada to step up alongside Peoples and countries on the…

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