
Ecology and Environment

Breaking: judge rejects “riot” charges against Amy Goodman in North Dakota

A North Dakota judge today refused to authorize riot charges against award-winning journalist Amy Goodman for her reporting on an attack against Native American-led anti-pipeline protesters. “This is a complete vindication of my right as a journalist to cover the…

A Nonviolent Strategy to End the Climate Catastrophe

By Robert J. Burrowes As the evidence mounts that we are fast approaching the final point-of-no-return beyond which it will be impossible to take sufficient effective action to prevent climate catastrophe – see ‘The World Passes 400 PPM Threshold. Permanently’…

Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague: a big step for the world movement for food sovereignty

The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations, for crimes against humanity, and for ecocide. Eminent judges will hear testimonies from victims, and deliver an advisory opinion following procedures of the…

Whose work was the inspiration for the first nuke-free country?

By MARILYN WARING 27 September 2016 for openDemocracy If you were growing up in New Zealand and Australia post World War II, there’s a chance you knew about the United States using the Marshall Islands as a nuclear testing site from…

Over 200 Groups demand EPA revise dangerously flawed fracking study

Groups charge that the EPA has “done the public a disservice” by helping promote a toxic drilling method.  by Lauren McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) flawed assessment that fracking has not led to “widespread,…

Corporate Watchdog Raises Alarm About Proposed Bayer-Monsanto Merger, as Monsanto Accepts Controversial Bid

Former Justice Department Officials Argue that Bayer-Monsanto Merger Would Violate Critical Anti-Trust Protections by Common Dreams 500,000 Worldwide Oppose Bayer-Monsanto Merger This morning, Bayer, German pharmaceutical and chemical giant Bayer announced that Monsanto accepted its bid to buy the U.S.…

TTIP 2.0? New leak exposes threats of lesser-known TISA trade deal

‘The deal, a spiritual and practical sibling of the much-maligned TTIP and TPP free trade agreements, is designed to drive deregulation across the vast global services sector’ by Nika Knight, staff writer for Common Dreams Greenpeace Netherlands exposed the threats…

Risk of another Chernobyl or Fukushima type accident plausible, experts say

This is the title of a report on Science News that should make us think twice about the construction of Hinckley point C, apart from issues of cost and nuclear waste. “A team of risk experts who have carried out…

Tens of thousands in seven german cities on the streets against TTIP and CETA

Tens of thousands of demonstrators – the organisers speak of a total of 320,000 while the police talks about roughly half that number – today protested in Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Frankfurt, Leipzig and Stuttgart against the free trade agreements…

UK Nuclear Power: for a moment it looked like sanity might prevail

But, Alas! It has not. We reported in Pressenza “Hinkley Point C: UK’s nuclear (rogue) white elephant” how this overpriced and, from just about every point of view, daft scheme should be scrapped altogether rather than just delayed for review,…

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