
Ecology and Environment

How China’s climate revolution can stop global warming

With or without the cooperation of the US government, nations around the world have begun to take collective action against climate change. Could a new cap-and-trade market in China set a global example? The forecast for US cooperation on global…

Exit polls show Swiss voting against quick nuclear power exit

In a referendum, Swiss voters came out against a quick phaseout of nuclear power. The main institutional opponents of the measure were the government and energy companies. Voters have decided against a timetable that would see Switzerland stop using nuclear…

Kenya embraces solar to meet energy needs

Nearly 70 percent of the Kenyan population relies on costly and environmentally damaging energy sources. But a green transtion is underway, as ever more Kenyans turn to solar power to meet their daily energy needs. Peter Theuri is busy tending…

Peruvian farmer sues German energy firm RWE

A court case brought by a Peruvian farmer against energy firm RWE started today in Germany. Melting glaciers are threatening his home and city. The causes are climate change and RWE’s huge carbon emissions, he alleges. A Peruvian farmer and…

#NoBlackSnakeFriday and Global Day of Action against Dakota Access Pipeline

Hundreds across the U.S. are planning protests on Friday November 25, the day after Thanksgiving, which is considered a major shopping day in the United States. In Chicago, activists are planning a Black Friday boycott along Michigan Avenue to demand…

Why women matter for effective climate change solutions

By Fabíola Ortiz, for InDepthNews Establishing a clear path forward and including women and girls in global efforts on climate change were some of the biggest challenges the delegations and non-state actors faced at the latest United Nations Climate Change…

Standing Rock: 100+ Injured After Police Attack with Water Cannons, Rubber Bullets & Mace

In North Dakota, more than 100 Native Americans and allies fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline have been injured by police, who attacked them with rubber bullets, tear gas, mace canisters and water cannons in freezing temperatures Sunday night.…

Degrowth – is it time for a new kind of economics?

With the planet reaching its biophysical limits on what it can provide us, a growing number of economists and environmentalists say we need to switch focus from economic growth to human and ecological wellbeing. At the Cyclonomia bike kitchen in…

Meet Ecuador’s water protectors

Nestled amid the Andean mountains, Cuenca — Ecuador’s third largest city — has long been known for its bounteous sources of fresh water. This is thanks to its privileged location within the Maziso del Cajas, a newly declared UNESCO biosphere…

North Dakota pipeline protests spread across US

Protests against the Dakota Access pipeline have spread across the US to demand the American government stop or reroute the pipeline as the companies behind the controversial project asked a federal court for permission to complete it. Thousands of people…

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