
Ecology and Environment

December 2016: Global Month of #NoDAPL Action

On December 4th, the Obama Administration announced that the US Army Corps would not grant Dakota Access LLC the last remaining easement it needs to drill under the Missouri River at Lake Oahe and complete construction of the pipeline.  While this is…

NYC: Water Protectors Disrupt 4 Bank Branches Demanding Divestment from Dakota Pipeline

In New York City, dozens of Native Americans and allies held protests at four separate bank branches Thursday to demand Wells Fargo, Citibank and TD Bank divest from the $3.8 Billion Dakota Access pipeline. The actions were organized by a…

Standing Rock: Justice Dept. Will Not Send Federal Officers to Aid in Police Crackdown

In news on Standing Rock, the Justice Department says it will not comply with North Dakota’s request to send 100 federal officers to aid in the ongoing police crackdown against Native American water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access…

Crystal Zevon: the struggle at Standing Rock has a strong spiritual foundation

Crystal Zevon, a videographer, is deeply involved with Defenders of the Black Hills efforts to ban uranium mining and has spent several weeks at Standing Rock, supporting the Water Protectors in their struggle against the Dakota Access pipeline project. Here…

What’s Next for the Water Protectors at Standing Rock?

We, the below stated, are a coalition of grassroots groups living and working in the Dakota Access resistance camps along the Cannon Ball River in Oceti Sakowin treaty lands. Honor the Earth Indigenous Environmental Network Sacred Stone Camp International Indigenous…

Life on Earth is Dying

On the day that you read this article, 200 species of life on Earth (plants, birds, animals, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles) will cease to exist. Tomorrow, another 200 species will vanish forever. The human onslaught to destroy life on Earth…

Veterans at Standing Rock Ask Forgiveness for Military’s Crimes Against Native Americans

On the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, Wes Clark Jr., the son of the retired U.S. Army general and former supreme allied commander of NATO, Wesley Clark Sr., led military veterans in a ceremony Monday to ask forgiveness from…

Victory at Standing Rock

In North Dakota, water protectors resisting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline have scored an historic victory. On Sunday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denied Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind the pipeline, a permit to drill underneath Lake…

Trump Issues Support for $3.8 Billion Dakota Access Pipeline

Donald Trump has expressed his support for the completion of the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline, which has faced months of resistance from the Standing Rock Sioux, representatives from more than 200 indigenous nations from across the Americas and thousands…

Military veterans arrive at North Dakota pipeline protest

The first groups of veterans have arrived in North Dakota to join in a protest against a pipeline project near tribal lands. Thousands of veterans are expected to form a human chain around the demonstrators this weekend. US military veterans…

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