
Ecology and Environment

Activists and Native Americans march on Washington amid rain, sleet and snow

On Friday March 10th 5,000 members of Native Americans tribes and their supporters – celebrities, environmental and peace activists, veterans, college students – marched on Washington, D.C.  amid bitter cold, rain, sleet, and snow, calling for Trump and the U.S. Congress…

The Indigenous ‘People of Wildlife’ Know How to Protect Nature

By Baher Kamal In the northern part of Mount Kenya, there is an indigenous community — the Il Lakipiak Maasai (“People of Wildlife”) — which owns and operates the only community-owned rhino sanctuary in the country. They have managed to…

March in New York for Standing Rock

Six days before the Native March on Washington, DC, on Saturday March 4th, activists met in front of the New York Public Library and went to Trump Tower to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline and its threat to the Standing…

Seeding the future against destructive neoliberal capitalism

By Michael Meurer, Truthout There was much bluster about US job losses under NAFTA in the 2016 election, but walking along the banks of the Río Santiago in the pueblo of Juanacatlán, Mexico, the larger impact of the agreement immediately…

Lucky timing stopped Fukushima being much, much worse

Here we reproduce the lastest information video from Fairewinds Energy Education in which Arnie Gundersen explains that but for lucky timing with the tsunami hitting while all the stations on the Japanese coast were fully staffed with people able to…

White House Seeks Drastic Cuts to Environmental Protection Agency

The White House is seeking to dramatically reduce the power of the Environmental Protection Agency, slashing dozens of programs and laying off 20 percent of the agency’s staff. The plan calls for the complete elimination of EPA programs on climate change, toxic…

Success as German bank divests from Dakota Access Pipeline

The Bayerische Landesbank (BayernLB) was one of 17 banks to have invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. The highly controversial pipeline, which is destined to transport oil obtained by fracking across the North American continent is a threat to the…

Our Causes Are Connected, Our Movements Should Be Too

By David Swanson Global corporations and international government alliances are pushing war, environmental destruction, economic exploitation, defunding of schools and housing, hateful divisive ideologies, and reductions in rights and liberties as a package wrapped in shiny foil, tied with a…

North Dakota: Police Raid Pipeline Resistance Camps, Arresting 33

In North Dakota, a heavily militarized police force on Thursday raided the main resistance camp set up by Lakota water protectors fighting the $3.8 billion Dakota Access pipeline. The camp was largely vacated ahead of an eviction deadline set one…

Forced evacuation at Standing Rock

After North Dakota Republican Governor Doug Burgum issued executive orders to evacuate the Oceti Sakowin Camp at Standing Rock, setting as a deadline the afternoon of February 22nd , yesterday most of the activists left voluntarily among police in riot…

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