
Ecology and Environment

Protest March “Trump Not Welcome” in Brussels

On May 24th  WaterProtectors Rachel Heaton, Wasté Win Young, Rafael Gonzalez & Nataani Means were at the #TrumpNotWelcome demo in Brussels for social rights, against sexism, racism and discrimination, for peace and a livable world, together with 9.000 protestors. They opened the rally…

Protest for agro-ecology, against Bayer and Monsanto

Hundreds of people were seen walking the streets of Bordeaux from the ‘Place de la Victoire’ on Saturday May 20th, demonstrating against the multinationals of the agriculture and agronomy sectors. Not only could we see banners from militant organisations such…

Tour of Standing Rock native defenders in Europe

From May, the 20th to June, the 20th 2017 Several European citizen’s movements and organizations are currently organizing a tour in Europe for Standing Rock native defenders and their allies who oppose the DAPL pipeline and other fossil fuel projects…

New York: Protesters Target Nuclear Power Bailout Plan

In New York City, dozens of protesters gathered outside Governor Andrew Cuomo’s offices Wednesday to oppose a bailout of New York’s aging nuclear power plants that could cost ratepayers up to $7.6 billion over the next 12 years. Bruce Rosen…

From the Ashes of Standing Rock, a Beautiful Resistance is Born

  by Skyler Simmons / Earth First! Newswire If you’re like me, you are probably feeling a deep sorrow in your heart over the news that oil will soon flow through that black snake of death, the Dakota Access Pipeline. Despite…

Climate Change Proof To Convince Even The Most Irrational

By Dr Arshad M Khan The People’s Climate March on Saturday, April 29, 2017, flooded Washington, DC, with over 100,000 protesters. Organizers claimed 150,000, with marches in 330 other cities across the country and in three dozen solidarity events abroad.…

DAPL, Open Letter to Deutsche Bank

John Cryan Chief Executive Officer Deutsche Bank AG March 22nd, 2017 Dear Mr. Cryan, We are a group of organizations committed to fighting for racial and environmental justice in Germany and around the world. We are writing today to demand…

What I Said at the Peace Hub of the Climate March

Most countries on earth have the U.S. military in them. Most countries on earth burn less fossil fuel than does the U.S. military. And that’s without even calculating how much worse for the climate jet fuel is than other fossil…

20 Million People Could ‘Starve to Death’ in Next Six Months

By Baher Kamal Urgent action is needed to save the lives of people facing famine in North Eastern Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, the UN leading food and agriculture agency’s chief on April 28 warned. “If nothing is done,…

Prafulla Samantara Receives The Goldman Environmental Prize, Asia, 2017

by National Alliance of People’s Movements New Delhi, April 24: Prafulla Samantara, National Convener, National Alliance of Peoples’ Movements and the leader of Lokshakti Abhiyan, Orissa has been awarded The Goldman Environmental Prize, Asia, 2017. The Goldman Environmental Prize honours…

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