
Ecology and Environment

Oceans in Crisis Around Africa

By Jeffrey Moyo As soon as dusk falls, Petina Dube emerges from her house balancing a sack full of garbage which has been lying uncollected in her yard amid reports that the municipal garbage collectors have no fuel to carry…

Not just Climate. Trump’s exit from Paris agreement has important Health consequences

Trump has announced that he is pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement on climate change, following through with a campaign promise to support the coal and oil sector. The Paris Agreement, signed by 195 nations in December 2015,…

The Water Protectors in Geneva

The Water Protectors from the Sioux tribe of Standing Rock, along with around 30 activists, participated in an action of civil disobedience. They occupied the Geneva headquarters of Credit Suisse to denounce their financing of fossil energies and notably the…

Exceptionalist Trump America Exits From Paris Agreement & Launches Neoliberal War on Terra

By Dr Gideon Polya An exceptionalist Trump America has withdrawn from the Paris Climate Change Agreement and thereby launched a neoliberal War on the Planet (Terra). The US has 4.4% of the world’s population but contributes more to annual global…

Water Protectors and the Independent Press: Pressenza meets Standing Rock Activists

Saturday June 10 at 2:30pm, during a counter-summit on the environment called “Ambiente alla base, non al vertice!”  at Bologna’s  September 11 Park, journalists from Pressenza Italy will participate in an encounter-debate on a topic previously introduced in Milan: the importance of creating…

Trump Announces U.S. Withdrawal from Paris Climate Accord

President Donald Trump announced Thursday he will withdraw the United States from the landmark Paris climate accord that was signed by nearly 200 nations in 2015 and heralded as a rare moment of international collaboration to avert imminent climate disaster.…

SOS: Save Our Seas

On 5 to 9 June 2017, the United Nations will bring together in New York the representatives of governments, of governmental regional associations such as the Alliance of Small Island States, non-governmental organizations, private corporations, and academic institutions to study…

Open letter by the Water Protectors to President Donald Trump

We are Water Protectors who fought against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). We are also engaged in struggles and movements on behalf of First Nations against fossil fuel projects that poison our land, water and damage the climate. We are…

The Merkley-Sanders Climate Bill Isn’t a Launchpad. It’s Quicksand

By Stan Cox With the Trump administration poised to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, a climate bill cosponsored by U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Bernie Sanders and known as the “100 by ’50 Act” is sure to be back…

Is Renewable Energy A Commons?

By Cecile Blanchet How relocating energy in the commons helps scaling-up renewables & saving energy Is energy a mere commodity, or is it a common good? Why is this relevant in the first place? Here we look at why energy…

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