
Ecology and Environment

Look to Sheffield: this is how state and corporate power subverts democracy

By George Monbiot for The Guardian The city’s trees and residents are the victims of a Kafkaesque PFI deal between council and contractor One of neoliberalism’s promises was that it would free us from bureaucracy. By rolling back the state,…

Taking 9 million lives per year, pollution bigger killer than war, tobacco, and various diseases combined

New Lancet Commission spotlights “profound and pervasive threat that affects many aspects of human health and wellbeing.” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Pollution, “one of the great existential challenges of the Anthropocene epoch,” kills 9 million people…

World Campaign to Clean Torrents of Plastic Dumped in the Oceans

By Baher Kamal With 30 countries from Kenya to Indonesia and from Canada to Brazil now involved in the world campaign to beat pollution by countering the torrents of plastic trash that are degrading oceans and endangering the life they…

The environmental disaster that doesn’t make headlines

When we talk about environmental crises these days, we tend to emphasis global warming (aka ‘climate change’). Even if this is a vital topic, we shouldn’t lose sight on other environmental concerns — like the health of our planet’s seas.…

Lessons from the front lines of anti-colonial pipeline resistance

By James Rowe and Mike Simpson The Standing Rock standoff over the Dakota Access Pipeline was a reminder that colonization, and resistance to it, both exist in the present tense. Fossil fuel pipelines that despoil indigenous lands and waters have…

Sweden’s wild boars have ‘extremely high’ radiation levels 31 years after Chernobyl

The number of radioactive boars in Sweden is increasing, more than three decades after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster caused radioactive pollution in the country. A wild boar was found to have radiation levels more than 10 times over the safety…

Adding ignorant insult to Puerto Rico’s injuries

Ordinary people can work to fill the breach caused by the federal government’s relief failure–and challenge the oppression Puerto Rico has suffered, writes Danny Katch. An unprecedented sequence of powerful hurricanes fueled by climate change. An infrastructure that was already…

Unprecedented Crisis for Puerto Rico

Letter from Elizabeth Yeampierre, Executive Director at UPROSE Mi Gente, I write this note with a heavy heart in this time of unprecedented crisis for Puerto Rico. At the same time, as Executive Director of Brooklyn’s oldest Latino organization, one…

More Than 140 Dead And Counting As A Magnitude 7.1 Earthquake Rocks Mexico City

By Andrea Lobo A 7.1 magnitude earthquake shook the Mexico City megalopolis at 1:14 in the afternoon on Tuesday, knocking down dozens buildings, leaving large clouds of dust and smoke across the horizon. The scenes of solidarity were immediate, as…

Basel Declaration on trans-generational crimes of nuclear weapons & nuclear energy

A four-day international conference of doctors, lawyers, scientists and nuclear experts from 27 countries concluded in Basel yesterday with the release of the Basel Declaration on human rights and trans-generational crimes resulting from nuclear weapons and nuclear energy. The declaration…

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