
Ecology and Environment

With rapidly falling prices, renewables set to outcompete fossil fuels by 2020

“These cost declines across technologies are unprecendented and representative of the degree to which renewable energy is disrupting the global energy system.” by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams A new report showing that renewable prices may soon out-compete…

Trashing The Planet For Profit

By William Bowle, Before I began this essay I read through some of my past forays that mentioned climate change and capitalism, the first I think, being in 2006 where I opined in a piece on the ‘War on Terror’:…

Let it Go: The Arctic will Never be Frozen Again

By Eric Holthaus Last week, at a New Orleans conference center that once doubled as a storm shelter for thousands during Hurricane Katrina, a group of polar scientists made a startling declaration: The Arctic as we once knew it is…

Bitcoin Frenzy: The Fever Chart Of A Deepening Crisis

By Guy Lane Bitcoin mining – the mechanism of creating Bitcoins and approving transactions on the blockchain – consumes prodigious amounts of electricity due to the use of a ‘Proof of Work’ cryptographic algorithm. While some Bitcoin is mined using…

John Scales Avery, The Climate Emergency: Two time scales

Pressenza has recently been contacted by John Scales Avery from the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs to ask for publication of the below text which we gladly do. I am working on a book with the title “THE…

Jeremy Corbyn’s speech at the UN Geneva headquarters

Human Rights, inequality, tax havens, refugees, militarism, climate change. A call for a better world by the Leader of UK’s Labour Party. Transcription Speaking at the United Nation’s Geneva headquarters today, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, said:…

Capitalism vs Climate change: it’s urgent to take sides

By Aris Telonis for DiEM25. The Paris Agreement is a historic landmark of our times. But it is not an overstatement to argue that there are scientific or journalist reports on climate change almost daily. Despite all this media attention,…

Killing the Biosphere to Fast-track Human Extinction

Several years ago in Cameroon, a country in West Africa, a Western Black Rhinoceros was killed. It was the last of its kind on Earth. Hence, the Western Black Rhinoceros, the largest subspecies of rhinoceros which had lived for millions…

Mongolia’s Loch Ness ? – Strange Sighting in the Uureg Lake

A Mongolian traveller not only saw a mysterious giant creature, but also captured its video while he was taking a trip around Uureg Lake in Sagil soum, Uvs province. Traveller Mr S. Sodnomdorj said “Foremost I thought there was a…

Global Divestment: Interview with Women’s March Barcelona

Day 2 of #16DaysOfGlobal — Today we are sharing the work Women’s March Barcelona has done in the area of Global Divestment. We interviewed Cecilia Gomez-Engler, an organiser with Women’s March Barcelona about the work they have done and how people can be involved…

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