
Ecology and Environment

ND Drops Serious Charges Against Chase Iron Eyes over DAPL Resistance

In North Dakota, prosecutors have dropped all serious charges against former North Dakota congressional candidate  who had been facing up to six years in prison for participating in the resistance to the Dakota Access pipeline. This is Chase Iron Eyes,…

Human Extinction by 2026? A Last Ditch Strategy to Fight for Human Survival

There is almost unanimous agreement among climate scientists and organizations – that is, 97% of over 10,000 climate scientists and the various scientific organizations engaged in climate science research – that human beings have caused a dramatic increase in the…

“Guilty on all counts!’: in historic victory, Monsanto ordered to pay $289 million in Roundup cancer lawsuit

”This is a company that has always put profits ahead of public safety, and today, Monsanto has finally been held accountable.” by Common Dreams staff In an historic victory for those who have long sought to see agrochemical giant Monsanto held…

Neoliberalism drives climate breakdown, not human nature

By ALEX RANDALL 7 August 2018 for openDemocracy  Attempts by the New York Times to blame humanity as a whole for climate change let the real culprits off the hook. Many zoos have an exhibit like this: a wall with…

Science Crucial to Global Environment Facility (GEF) Action

The Science and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP), establishing a sense of urgency, deployed scientific analysis to set priorities to guide the investment of newly replenished funds allocated to solve our persistent and worsening global environment woes. At the Global Environment…

Population and the Environment

By John Scales Avery One hopes that human wisdom and ethics will continue to grow, but unlimited growth of population and industry on a finite earth is a logical impossibility. Today we are pressing against the absolute limits of the…

Fairtrade renewable energy: shedding light on clean energy’s dirty secrets

David Flynn, Heriot-Watt University; Merlinda Andoni, Heriot-Watt University, and Valentin Robu, Heriot-Watt University for The Conversation The world is coming together on renewable energy. Trust in technology such as solar and wind power generation is increasingly reflected in the investment…

Fires in Greece

Fire in the Gerania mountains. (Picture by Pressenza) For the last 48 hours, wild fires kept burning different parts of Attica. So far, the country mourns 84 victims and the number of missing persons is still high. People’s fortunes were destroyed,…

Earth First

By Hadrien Coumans With any bit of discernment it’s abundantly clear that we are rapidly heading towards catastrophe. Earth has a fever and is heating up. The scientific evidence of feedback loops, severity of storms, rising temperatures, rising oceans, disappearing…

UN Summer Academy Brings 2030 Development Agenda To Life

By Rita Joshi BONN (IDN) – In 2015, countries from around the world adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. In November 2016, the Paris Agreement…

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