
Ecology and Environment

Will more climate strikes achieve the breakthrough that we need?

Strengthening the climate movement requires a rethink of strategy and tactics. Tim Root for openDemocracy The global movement fighting climate breakdown has made some promising advances recently, chiefly thanks to Greta Thunberg and the other admirable school climate strikers. The…

Exaggerating how much CO2 can be absorbed by tree planting risks deterring crucial climate action

Duncan McLaren, Lancaster University for The Conversation Planting almost a billion hectares of trees worldwide is the “biggest and cheapest tool” for tackling climate change, according to a new study. The researchers claimed that reforestation could remove 205 gigatonnes of…

Good News Part 2 – The Hoffnungsquickie

(The Hoffnungsquickie: Good News Brief – N.d.T.) The world is a bad place. This is at least the impression you get when you look through the burning glass of the media. Catastrophes, wars, lies, hypocrisy and destruction determine the reality…

Kenyan Universities Aim to Be “Greenest in the World”

In Kenya, over 70 universities are being called on by the UN Environment Programme and the Kenyan Government to work together and transform their campuses to be the “greenest in the world”. This comes as Strathmore University in Nairobi has…

[UK] New study shows public wants renewables – but the government is not listening

Pip Roddis, University of Leeds for The Conversation Subsidies for onshore wind power were cut by the UK government in 2015. Then the main reasons given were that it was too expensive and that the public didn’t support it. Amber…

Plea to All Indigenous & Non-Indigenous Peoples of The World

By Jerome Irwin Typically, like most Canadians, I’m deeply concerned about a lot of pressing issues in Canada and the world at large: the course and direction of the upcoming federal election; what some meekly call climate change while others,…

Reforesting an area the size of the US needed to help avert climate breakdown, say researchers – are they right?

Mark Maslin, UCL and Simon Lewis, UCL for The Conversation Restoring the world’s forests on an unprecedented scale is “the best climate change solution available”, according to a new study. The researchers claim that covering 900m hectares of land –…

Heat spike to cost global economy $2.4 trillion a year, says ILO

The total cost of losses due to temperature rise will be $2.4 trillion a year, said the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Working on a warmer planet: The impact of heat stress on labor productivity and decent work report. This prediction has been made…

France records hottest temperature ever in European heat wave

Large portions of Europe were hit by intense heat waves over the past week. Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic all experienced their hottest-ever temperatures for the month of June. France recorded its hottest day ever on Friday, reaching a…

It Is Our Future That Is at Risk’: Greta Thunberg and Ocasio-Cortez Talk Reasons for Hope in Era of Climate Emergency

“Hope is not something that you have. Hope is something that you create, with your actions. Hope is something you have to manifest into the world, and once one person has hope, it can be contagious.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer…

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