
Ecology and Environment

Climate crisis: 11,000 scientists foresee untold human suffering

by Countercurrents Collective Governments are failing to address the climate crisis, says a new study, which is based on 40 years of data on a range of measures. Another team said: Paris carbon-cutting pledges are “too little, too late”. The…

COP 25, “Calidad humana” and the Sixth Mass Extinction

By Prof. Dr. Roberto L. Mayorga* This article was published in Spanish some days before a surprising and massive social unrest burst throughout Chile during the last week of October, preventing COP25 (International Conference of the Parties for the Environment)…

Ecological Civilization, the Great Project in China

As China Daily reported at the fourth plenary session of the 19th session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, China’s ecological issues will also be intensively discussed. As early as 2012, Xi Jinping, the then newly…

US withdrawal from Paris Agreement to take effect in November 2020

The United States announced on Monday that it was formally beginning the process of withdrawal from the historic Paris Agreement on climate change, signed by 193 countries in 2015. The UN Spokesperson’s Office issued a note to correspondents, in reaction to the notice of withdrawal,…

Blue Economy: A new economic frontier of Bangladesh

By Mushfiqul Haque Mukit The ocean considered as a source of wealth for millennia, and conjoining to the economies around the world. There are many large cities and centers of commerce developed depends on access to the sea, and now…

Our Vanishing World: Insects

About 12,000 years ago, late stone age humans precipitated the neolithic (agricultural) revolution that marked the start of the steady rise to civilization. Coincidentally, this occurred at the same time as the beginning of what is now known as the…

A Worldwide Revolution Is Underway

Puerto Rico. Hong Kong. Ecuador. Haiti. Lebanon. Iraq. And now, Chile. People are rising up around the world against austerity and corruption, defying police forces unleashed to suppress them. Many of these mass movements share a fierce critique of capitalism.…

Rebels Beyond Borders at COP25 in Madrid

The COP25 Climate Conference will now take place in Madrid from December 2nd – 13th. It’s where the largest countries and contributors to greenhouse emissions will come together from December to flesh out details of the implementation of the landmark…

The new Right Livelihood Award Sculpture is made from recycled illegal guns

The Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. Tony Cragg, one of the world’s foremost sculptors, has custom-designed the new Award. The sculpture is made from Humanium Metal by IM, a…

Greta and the young people who jumped the turnstiles

“How dare you?,” Greta Thurnberg said at the UN to those responsible for the planet’s environmental situation, angry, impotent, belonging to the generation that will inherit a world collapsed in its sustainability. She was coming to Chile to participate in…

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