
Ecology and Environment

Biggest CO2 drop: Real-time data shows Covid-19’s massive impact on global emissions

While the ongoing Corona pandemic continues to threaten millions of lives around the world, the first half of 2020 saw an unprecedented decline in CO2 emissions – larger than during the financial crisis of 2008, the oil crisis of 1979,…

Forestry Maps – Appeal Made by Environmental Protection and Human Rights Organizations to the (Greek) Council of State

The protection of the environment is enshrined under Article 24 of the Constitution, where it is recognized as a responsibility of the state and at the same time a fundamental right of the citizen. On October 1, 2020, seven environmental…

Brazil is up in flames—here’s why

by Diego Gonzaga It is no accident that there are fires all across Brazil, and it is no accident that the fires this year are worse than last. In fact, the fires in 2020 are the worst in the last decade.…

Ende Gelände 2020

Ende Gelände mobilised thousands in Germany last weekend, targeting both coal and gas and developing tactics to protect activists from coronavirus transmission. The eighth Ende Gelände went ahead in the drizzly and cold Rhineland region of Germany last weekend. Over 3,000 activists pushed through…

Italian Extinction Rebellion proclaims the 2020 insurrection

From 5 to 11 October, Extinction Rebellion (ER) will take action in Rome performing civil and non-violent disobedience actions. ● XR addresses the government, as it is doing nothing about the ecological and climatic situation, breaking the social contract and…

Boundless Dying Trees

Global warming is ravaging forests throughout the world. “New studies show drought and heat waves will cause massive die-offs, killing most trees alive today.” (Source: We Need to Hear These Poor Trees Scream: Unchecked Global Warming Means Big Trouble for…

14 “uraniferous” films from Sardinia to the Valley of the Gods in Berlin

From October 15 to 18, the International Uranium Film Festival, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, will show a total of 14 feature films and documentaries from 10 countries in Berlin in the cinema in the Kulturbrauerei in…

Youth Climate Activists Mark Global Day of Climate Action

Young climate activists around the world staged thousands of protests, strikes and other actions Friday for a Global Day of Climate Action. In Uganda, activist Vanessa Nakate, who launched the Fridays for Future climate strike in Uganda, led a march…

Earth Strike: In the rain for climate protection

Thousands of people took to the streets in Vienna today as part of the 6th global climate strike to demonstrate for more climate protection. We have compiled the best photos of the rainy demonstration for you.   Absolut uncool. Es…

Climate breakdown in Alaska

Cora Dow  ‘I’m eighteen and can already see my Alaska community changed forever by climate change. I’ve seen glaciers shrink, summer droughts and deadly landslides – and our elected officials are doing nothing.’ I caught a herring with my hands…

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