
Ecology and Environment

WMO Bright Red Alert

The World Meteorological Organization (Geneva, Switzerland) State of Climate 2023 Report by Celste Saulo, secretary general, was issued on March 19th, 2024. “As secretary general of the World Meteorological Organization, I am now sounding the Red Alert about the state…

Carbon Emissions Reduction Rate in U.S. Has Doubled Since Passage of Inflation Reduction Act, Report Finds

The rate of carbon emissions cuts in the United States has doubled since the passage of President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), according to a new report by Clean Investment Monitor. By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes Since the IRA was passed in 2022, more than…

EcoWaste Coalition Decries the Unrestrained Sale of Mercury and Mercury-Added Products Online

Watchdog Group Campaigns for a Mercury-free Online Marketplace 3 April 2024, Quezon City.  On the eve of the 4.4 online shopping sales, the toxics watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition assailed the unbridled use of e-commerce sites to sell mercury and mercury-added…

Basic income as a necessary component of a socio-ecological transformation and key element for climate justice

Global warming and the ongoing exploitation and destruction of nature are caused by the prevailing mode of production and life. It disregards nature in its inherent value, uses it as a mere resource. However, this way of production and life…

2023: Indicators of an unprecedented climate crisis

2023 was the hottest year on record for greenhouse gases, heat, and ocean acidification, which is raising sea levels and affecting glaciers. This is according to a report by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the UN’s authoritative voice on weather,…

Carbon Capture, Too Little Too Late?

Will carbon capture technology bail society out of the latest version of greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 suddenly doubling its rate of increase when compared to the past decade, in breathtaking fashion, thus overheating the ocean and the Arctic and Antarctica…

EcoWaste Coalition Praises Litter-Free Shrines and Churches, Laments Littered Pilgrimage Sites

30 March 2024, Quezon City.  The environmental watchdog group EcoWaste Coalition heaped praises on the laity and the clergy for keeping many religious shrines “litter-free or darn close” on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday while lamenting the unrestrained littering that…

Climate Agreements Suck

Climate agreements suck. There are no real enforcement provisions. Many signatories cheat. Some don’t rep0rt at all. Moreover, reported data is highly suspect. It’s a worldwide scandal recently exposed by YaleEnvironment360. Evidence of cheating is found in the atmosphere: Global…

45 years after Three Mile Island, we need a ‘No Nukes’ comeback

As Biden sinks billions into nuclear energy, members of the historic Clamshell Alliance are reuniting to spark a new wave of anti-nuke resistance. By Arnie Alpert When a nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania went from a technological…

In Germany, a forest was occupied to stop Tesla’s new mega factory

Real camps have been set up with hammocks, tree houses up to 11 meters high, and banners: in Germany, a group of around a hundred environmentalists has occupied a natural area that is set to be destroyed in favor of…

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