

Tax justice and the human right to education

We publish here the intervention of Nelsy Lizarazo, General Coordinator of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education, in the meeting ‘Education Ministerial Santiago 2024: from commitment to action’, a meeting in which more than 20 Ministers of…

“Learning for a lasting peace” – GCE Declaration on the occasion of International Education Day

The Global Campaign for Education joins the celebrations of International Education Day 2024, recognising the historic failure of States and the international community to ensure all targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4, in particular, target 7: “By 2030, ensure that…

Popular Communication: Exercising the Right to Speech

If only we could put a mirror in front of us and look at ourselves together. If we could give ourselves more time to listen to each other and to talk in pairs, in threes, in the trade union, at…

Reclaiming Public Education For All

In a world facing social fragmentation, harmful inequities, and environmental deterioration, we need quality, transformative, inclusive public education now more than ever. As our political systems struggle to resist autocracy and to foster democracy, free public education can help create…

Chile hosts extraordinary meeting of Latin American and Caribbean Ministers of Education

The meeting will bring together the region’s education ministers at ECLAC’s headquarters in Santiago and will have an impact on 33 countries with approximately 125 million students, who 6.9 million teachers serve. The event aims to advance in the definition…

Chile: Mario Aguilar returns to the presidency of the Teachers’ College calling on the government to fulfill its commitments.

In his first speech as the new National President of the Chilean Teachers’ Association, Mario Aguilar called on the government to fulfill its commitments to education. The union leader denounced that “once again the Government has failed in its commitment…

Human Development Workshop in Buenos Aires prisons

The third edition of the Human Development workshop in Buenos Aires prisons comes to an end. Every Thursday, since March, virtual workshops on Human Development have been held in which more than 300 people deprived of liberty and located in…

Human Rights and education

On 10 December, Human Rights Day (HRD) was celebrated all over the world, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris in 1948. This declaration was a very important historical milestone in…

PISA’s glass half full

PISA stands for Programme for International Student Assessment. PISA is not a test, but rather a contribution to decision-makers by measuring the performance, wellbeing and equity of students in their respective education systems. The study was conducted with 700,000 students…

Scientists call for moratorium on digitalisation in kindergartens and schools

Digitalisation is currently regarded as a modern solution to educational questions for all age groups in the education sector. But the effects and secondary effects of digital media on development, learning and educational processes are often scientifically unclear. In fact,…

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