

West Bank Silent Strike

Nablus, 2014/01/03 – To strike is a cry of desperation to re-establish ones rights. To strike is to show the society the valuable work the striking workforce performs. For 31 days the strike in all 19 UNRWA refugee camps on…

Symposium “From Einstein to Magritte: beyond our truths”

On December 7 and 8 2013 the Centers for Humanist Studies of Paris and Brussels were very pleased to organise their first Symposium in the beautiful settings of the Park of Study and Reflection La Belle Idée, France. It was…

States Have a Responsibility to Protect Higher Education from Attack

[clear][divide] States must protect universities as spaces where professors and students are safe to teach, learn, and research free from threats to their physical and psychological well being, the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA) said in a…

Noam Chomsky on Education & How “Manufacturing Consent” Brought Attention to East Timor Massacres

Amy Goodman for Democracy Now! At the premier of the new animated film, “Is the Man Who is Tall Happy?” in New York City, Noam Chomsky joined filmmaker Michel Gondry in conversation. We play excerpts of Chomsky’s remarks on his…

International Day for Tolerance 16 November

In 1996, the UN General Assembly (by resolution 51/95) invited UN Member States to observe the International Day for Tolerance on 16 November, with activities directed towards both educational establishments and the wider public. This action followed on the United Nations…

TED: two different aspects of Active Nonviolence

Active Nonviolence is a methodology for change which is coherent with its objectives. Here we report of two TED lectures that show its power in theory and practice. Non-violence resistance with Erica Chenowets Published on Nov 4, 2013 Between 1900-2006,…

U.S. Loses Vote at UNESCO After Halting Funds over Palestine Membership

The United States lost its voting rights today at the global cultural agency UNESCO after failing to pay its dues for three years in protest over the agency’s recognition of Palestine. U.S. law compels the automatic withholding of funds from…

A Year on from Malala’s Attack: Keeping Education out of the Battle

October 8, 2011. Article forwarded by the Réseau International Humaniste, member of the GCPEA, (New York) – One year ago tomorrow, school girl Malala Yousefzai was attacked by the Pakistani Taliban. This somber anniversary is a reminder of the perils…

Emotions and promises for paths of nonviolence: NONVIOLENCE AWARD 2013

Rome, Italy. Presented the awards to schools, associations and photographers The Ceremony of Nonviolence Award 2013 has taken place in the boardroom of City Hall VIII (formerly XI) of Rome. Students of E. Fermi school of Macerata and of Ripetta…

West African Humanist Forum Conakry 2013

During three days, from Thursday 19 September to Saturday 21 September 2013, at a Conakry’s Hotel, the 4th Chapter of the WEST AFRICAN HUMANIST FORUM took place with the theme: PEACE AND NONVIOLENCE. This historic rendezvous for humanists in Guinea…

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