

Note To Colleagues At My New School Focusing On The Myth Of American Innocence

The missive below was sent to my colleagues at Point Arena Community Charter School in Calfiornia, U.S.A. They are preparing to blend their theme for the year (Mythology, Magic and Mystery) with the curriculum. Parents will also be made privy…

Pentagon Recruiting Playbook Revealed

By Pat Elder Ominous developments in three states this summer – Oregon, Texas, New Jersey, and one city – Chicago, provide a glimpse into the Pentagon’s new playbook to recruit soldiers from high schools across the country. In brief, the…

How Long did it Take to Take this Photo?

I know it’s not correct to use an interrogative phrase in a title, but there is no other way to open this discussion. We need to open our minds by asking ourselves “How long did it take for human beings…

Time to put SEX into sex education

We republish this article which first appeared in the UK publication, ShoutOutUK, by kind permission of the author*.  Although it concerns the situation of sex education in the UK, our readers in other countries may find it thought-provoking. Celebrate sexual…

Tens of Thousands of Argentine Teachers March Amid Nationwide Strike

In Argentina, tens of thousands of teachers marched through the capital Buenos Aires Wednesday as part of a nationwide strike demanding pay raises to keep pace with high inflation. The teachers are outraged over recent comments by President Mauricio Macri…

Jesica Kessler on Face 2 Face

On this show we speak with Jesica Kessler about Somos Ola, a student organization at The New School that promotes debate on Latin American issues. We also discuss Jesica’s participation in a documentary about Rio’s Olympic Games and her involvement…

Aleppo: School Children in the Factory

It’s about the terrible, systematic destruction of this UNESCO World Heritage site but also about an Aleppo businessman who turned his damaged factory into a school for 1500 children. It had been damaged by the Free Syrian Army and al-Nushra…

Constitutional reform will affect the right to education

By José Pedro Martins Massive occupation of public schools and universities to protest the package of measures presented to Congress by Michel Temer’s government. More than 1,000 primary and secondary schools were occupied in almost all the states in Brazil…

Second National Day of Action for “Sanctuary Campus” Movement

Protests against Donald Trump and his cabinet are continuing nationwide. Today students at colleges and universities across the country are holding a second day of action to demand their campuses become “sanctuary campuses,” where administrators refuse to share information with…

Refugees in Bavaria: boredom instead of apprenticeships

The Bavarian government is interpreting the new integration laws in its own way. Many refugees have been denied vocational training opportunities and Bavarian businesses are upset about this. Obaid is an eager beaver, but a likeable one. The 18-year-old is…

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