

Greece – Chios: local school directors defend refugee’s children right to education

Marianella Kloka reporting from Greece A group of 1130 parents in the island of Chios (Eastern Aegean), have decided several days ago to send an extrajudicial document to the Directors of 5 primary schools of the island, aiming to intimidate…

South American March for Peace and Nonviolence: About to Begin

To learn more about the March, we interviewed Sonia Venegas, from Mundo Sin Guerras (World without Wars) Ecuador, promoter of the March. What is the South American March for Peace and Nonviolence and why doing it? It is the sum…

WCHS Fourth National Talent Competition Now Ongoing

For the past three years, the World Centre for Humanist Studies, Mumbai Center, has been organizing national talent competitions among schools, encouraging students to reflect on the different dimensions of Universalist Humanism and express their insights in creative ways. Throughout…

291 Million Youth Live With No Electricity, No Computers, No Printers – UN Laments

By Shanta Roy NEW YORK (IDN) – When the United Nations commemorated World Youth Skills Day on July 16, there was one strong underlying theme that overshadowed the event. Despite marked progress in the role of youth in a society…

Tell Israel to Allow Thinking in Its Schools

By David Swanson Israel has passed a law allowing its Minister of Education to ban from its schools any person or group who criticizes Israel — apparently something that no teachers or students in Israel are supposed to do either (though some…

Face 2 Face with Stefano Cecere

On this special show we speak with Stefano Cecere, ​who is ​participating ​in the 2018 Games for Change Festival at the New School. We ​talk about the festival​ and​ the development of video and educati​onal​ game​s​ that are part of…

Germany. Teachers say NO to the union of armed forces and schools

The banality of evil. Classrooms and courtyards converted into barracks; parades, choirs and bands of students and soldiers; training, coexistence, history, foreign languages and gymnastics classes with generals and admirals; guided tours of bases, radar installations and military airports; study…

Mario Aguilar: The role and meaning of education

The President of the Chilean Union of Teachers is concerned by teachers’ working conditions and that they serve teachers so that they can help their pupils to bring out the best of themselves as human beings; so that they may…

Emmanuel Macron and echoes of May 1968

Elizabeth Benjamin, Coventry University for The Conversation As France marks the 50th anniversary of the revolts of May 1968, Emmanuel Macron might get more than he bargained for. Instead of celebrating the occasion, the French president appears to be inadvertently…

#EHF2018 Tiberio Feliz: embracing plurality as an identity

Professor Tiberio Feliz Murias runs the Centre for the Care of Disabled University Students (UNIDIS) at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), in Madrid, Spain, and teaches at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. He is a natural born facilitator…

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