

ETFO teachers in Ontario. Tentative Agreements at Central Bargaining Tables

“This has been a very prolonged and difficult bargaining process. We are very grateful for the support and unwavering solidarity of our members, and the public who have continued to stand up for public education and the supports that our…

Coronavirus. To cope with fear and anxiety Run This Way school program launch a digital well being campaign

“The request for well-being makes it possible to clarify the wishes for our future, it is similar to the good thoughts that we express through brotherhood and solidarity. We wanted to create a stream of sympathy for the students living…

Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. No bargaining dates set by government, ETFO take action Monday

The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) will hold a media conference on Monday March 9 at 2:30 p.m. to announce its next phase of strike action. President Sam Hammond will discuss the fact that ETFO is still waiting for…

Teachers strike in Ontario have tremendous support of the public

“We can credit Ontario’s educators and the tremendous support of the public over the past two months for keeping this government’s feet to the fire to come to the table with proposals that benefit students, educators and the future of…

France. Researchers stand against the commodification of knowledge

“We need an ambitious, unequal law – yes, unequal, a virtuous and Darwinian law, which encourages the world’s best scientists, teams, laboratories and establishments, a law that harnesses efforts.” These were the controversial words of Antoine Petit, mathematician and director…

Elementary and Secondary educators across Ontario will stand up against cuts to Public Education

On Friday, February 21, elementary and secondary teachers and education workers represented by the four major education unions in Ontario will stand up to the Ford government’s education cuts by participating in a one-day walkout across the province. Members of…

‘Something Big Is Shifting’: As Georgetown Announces Fossil Fuel Divestment, Students Across US Demand Their Schools Follow Suit

The decision came after 90% of students who voted on a referendum voted in favor of divestment. By Julia Conley, staff writer – Common Dream Student-led anti-fossil fuel campaigns at universities across the country pointed to Georgetown University Friday as…

Right Livelihood Award Laureates to Focus on Education at Bangkok Conference

More than a dozen Laureates of the Swedish Right Livelihood Award, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize,’ are set to gather in Bangkok for a conference 20-22 February to discuss how education and activism can be linked closer together…

Cultural History

by John Scales Avery Reformed teaching of history Human nature has two sides: It has a dark side, to which nationalism and militarism appeal; but our species also has a genius for cooperation, which we can see in the growth…

Why Striking Teachers Across America Are Fighting for Much More Than Their Paychecks

After their successful strike earlier this year, Oakland teachers are still fighting off charter schools and changing the narrative of public education. By Jeff Bryant While national news outlets hail the conclusion of a historic teacher strike in Chicago, another important story…

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