

Living in Turbulent Times: College Students’ Reactions to Recent Challenges in America

By Rebecca Diers – SUNY Cortland For the past several months, Americans have faced numerous challenges in regards to politics and how American citizens feel the country should be run. These recent events have been incited by both Republicans and…

Sustainability starts in the classroom

Emily Folk Education is the best start to a sustainable life. Sustainability and caring about the planet are worthwhile causes that need consistent attention and care from our communities. While sustainability starts at home and on a personal level, education…

“Universities have turned into landlords”: UK students plan biggest rent strike in 40 years

By Sara Mohammadi Students from at least 20 universities across Britain are planning to to go on rent strike when they return from the Christmas break – unless their universities agree to negotiate on rent reductions. They insist that they…

Joint Press Release againts stigmatization campaign to the Colombian Feedration of Educators of Colombia -FECODE-

Colombian history has been characterised by the existence of conflictive, difficult and dangerous conditions for social movements, trade unions, peasants, indigenous people and Afro-descendants, which extend to the possibility of consolidating critical thinking in general. Opposition political parties have been…

Education Is a Fundamental Human Right and the Priority of the 21st Century

Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait Education is not a privilege. It is a fundamental human right. Yet, education is undervalued even at the best of times. We often fail to connect the dots between the right to education…

CLADE’s final declaration

After a reflection process carried out through seven thematic virtual meetings and the subsequent systematization of the contents that emerged, in order to evaluate and ponder them in intense work days developed through assemblies also virtually during this last week,…

Defenders of US Public Schools Call on Biden to Ditch Trump’s Disastrous Education Policies—and Obama’s Too

“50.8 million children who attend real public schools need a secretary of education who will be their advocate, not an advocate for privatization.” By Kenny Stancil Demanding an end to the failed policies that have dominated the United States for…

Education for peace and non-violence in times of crisis

Doris Balvín, senior researcher at the New Civilization Humanist Studies Center in Lima, Peru and a specialist in social ecology, spoke with Pressenza about education for peace and non-violence in times of social and ecological crisis. Pressenza: Could education contribute…

Human rights and education: a cross-sectoral approach in Latin America and the Caribbean

The seventh public event, organized by CLADE, in partnership with the Argentinean Campaign for the Right to Education (CADE), the Dakar Forum in Honduras, the Education and Human Development Forum of the Initiative for Nicaragua, was held today as part…

Features of the international situation in the pandemic and post-pandemic

This was the theme of today’s session of the 11th Regional Assembly of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), which is taking place from October 13 to November 26, this year. Carrying out a process leading…

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