

Transition Test: It makes no difference where you are born or where you study

On January 11, the results of the Transition Test (PDT), the instrument used to determine university entrance, were made public in Chile and, once again, it is clear that it does not matter where you are born or where you…

Hands to the land: environmental education as a response to the crisis

Why do we disconnect ourselves from nature? Why do we sustain consumption practices that distance us from reality? Why do we build huge buildings and destroy natural areas? Why don’t we explore those spaces, why don’t we know? Why don’t…

Facing fears makes us freer

Fear is the bodily and/or psychological reaction to a thought that arises in the brain, based on past or imaginary experiences, when faced with the projection of the occurrence of an undesired event. It is an adaptive response for survival…

To discover and learn: to govern is to connect

“To govern is to educate” was the motto of the government of Chilean President Pedro Aguirre Cerda. More than 80 years have passed and that phrase and its programmatic content have become part of our history. Children and young people…

Cubans More Excited About School Reopening Than Regime Change

“If you build it, they will come,” said Kevin Costner in the Field of Dreams. In Cuba, they didn’t come. Dissidents on the island, with their U.S. backers, had been working feverishly for months to turn the unprecedented July 11…

Vernor Muñoz: “Education needs, first and foremost, state funding and not charity or philanthropy”.

Present at the World Education Meeting, organised by UNESCO, which brought together education leaders from 40 states, the Director of Policy and Advocacy of the Global Campaign for Education (GCE), who is also a member of the Latin American Campaign…

How China Is Addressing Education Inequality

In China, the educational pressure on children is intense, and it begins when they are very young. A mother living in Shanghai describes the demands of her six-year-old child’s education, saying, “In kindergarten, children already need to spend the whole…

Artists Group to hold a FREE online workshop on Creative Dramatics for teachers in Sorsogon City

Sorsogon City, Philippines—  The Kurit-Lagting Art Collective in partnership with the Concerned Artists of the Philippines Bicol Chapter will hold an online workshop for teachers in Sorsogon City on December 5, 2021 via Zoom. In a Facebook post by the…

No presidential programme proposes a paradigm shift in education

With less than two weeks to go before the presidential elections in Chile, it is striking that, despite the fact that there is agreement that education requires profound change, no candidate has proposed a paradigm shift in his or her…

There is still a future!

The International Network of Humanist Educators presented the book “Hay Futuro todavía. Experiences in the construction of a nonviolent humanising education in times of crisis”, a collective work that brings together twenty-eight stories with multiple voices from more than ten…

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