

Tegucigalpa Declaration

The XII Regional Assembly of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), began in October, with the realization of four virtual events and culminated with the presential meeting in Tegucigalpa, on November 7 to 11, 2022, hosted…

Educational institutions are also in crisis

When we talk about education, we usually refer only to the teaching and learning dimension. Socio-emotional education is rarely addressed, and almost never its institutionalization. The discrediting of institutions also affects education: schools, high schools and colleges. Educational institutions are…

Re-imagining the future of education together

23 years after its founding, the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) will hold its 7th World Assembly from 22-24 November 2022 in Johannesburg, South Africa. The largest civil society movement working to advance the right to free, inclusive and quality…

Intentional Evolution

A whole new phase in the evolution of life on Earth has begun. And it will change everything. In this new phase evolution will be driven intentionally by humanity. The evolutionary worldview that emerges from understanding this role has the…

Individualism vs. collaboration

Completely individualistic societies do not work, nor do completely collective ones. A person on his or her own is not capable of surviving, and a person who lacks identity, because he or she is mimicked in the mass, becomes a…

What Was Humanity’s First Cultural Revolution?

We live in a fast-moving, technology-dominated era. Happiness is fleeting, and everything is replaceable or disposable. It is understandable that people are drawn to a utopian vision. Many find refuge in the concept of a “return” to an idealized past—one…

For the right to public education: care, transformation and social justice

At the 12th Regional Assembly of CLADE, the theme that concerns the network was discussed: the human right to education from the perspectives of the subjects of rights and actors who fight for the possibility of fully exercising this right…

Education: Putting lessons learned in pandemics into practice

There are more than five million students in primary and secondary education in more than ten thousand educational establishments in the country. The diversity is gigantic and no other state institution has the territorial coverage that education has. It is…

Community organizing: Elderly and street children advocates

by Edward M. Gerlock Edward M. Gerlock storifies below the principles, dynamics, and power of community organizing as a sequel to his Priestly solidarity with poor farmers, “Father, did you not realize that to oppose the banana companies is subversion!”, and American priest…

New paradigm for education

Much is said about the need for a substantive change in the education of children and young people. So much so that today there is a need for a paradigm shift, which is defined as: “A theory or set of…

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