

World Politics-Economics Right Now

By Johan Galtung The net conclusion? The enormous US imbalance: no longer winning wars, less political clout, economically bankrupt but still powerful, shaping the world culturally. Wise US policy would celebrate the last two; unwise policy would Make America Great…

Video: Richard D. Wolff on Bankruptcy Protection, Debt Jubilee, Students Debt and the Credit System

This video is part 3 of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this interview we talk to him about bankruptcy protection,…

Varoufakis and De Masi clash with ECB on transparency

Greece’s former finance minister to hold a press conference on Wednesday, March 8, with German MEP to announce filing a vital Freedom of Information request to the ECB. Did the European Central Bank (ECB) act within its mandate when it…

Video: Richard D. Wolff – What is Money? Why do some have more than others?

This video is part 2 of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this interview we talk to him about an instrument…

Seeding the future against destructive neoliberal capitalism

By Michael Meurer, Truthout There was much bluster about US job losses under NAFTA in the 2016 election, but walking along the banks of the Río Santiago in the pueblo of Juanacatlán, Mexico, the larger impact of the agreement immediately…

Video: Richard D. Wolff – What is Capitalism & Socialism? What differentiates them from each other?

This video is part of an educational & historical series with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff. In this first interview we talk to him about Capitalism and…

The Sharing Economy: It Takes More Than A Smartphone

By Steven Gorelick I ran into my friend Rick the other day in a small town near our homes in northern Vermont. He was just coming out of the bookstore, holding a pink plastic bag that, I would soon learn,…

The Choice Trump’s Budget Creates

Trump proposes to increase U.S. military spending by $54 billion, and to take that $54 billion out of the other portions of the above budget, including in particular, he says, foreign aid. If you can’t find foreign aid on the…

“For-Profit President”: A Look at How Trump Is Pushing Wholesale Corporate Takeover of the Gov’t

There has been a wholesale corporate takeover of the government. That’s the conclusion of a new report coming out today by the watchdog group Public Citizen. The report looks at how corporate America has benefited from Trump’s first month in…

Nonviolent Economy

By Johan Galtung Two important words enriching each other. “Nonviolent” easily becomes bla-bla, and “economy” is too general. But, does “nonviolent” make a difference for the better to the economy?  And vice versa, can “economy” make “nonviolent” more positive, beyond…

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