

Don’t let the rich get even richer on the assets we all share

By George Monbiot for The Guardian It’s time for communities to seize back control of resources upon which their prosperity depends Are you a statist or a free marketeer? Do you believe that intervention should be minimised or that state…

First US bank annouce public position against nuclear weapons

On Wednesday 20 September, the new Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons officially opened for signature and over 50 countries signed.  The US was not one of the signers, but US advocates for the Treaty have succeeded in making…

The Eurozone is ‘bouncing back’? Tell that to the people of Spain and Greece

EU citizens living under squeezed financial circumstances could be forgiven for wondering whether European Commission President Juncker was having a joke at their expense when he spoke recently about how Europe’s economy is finally bouncing back. After a tumultuous decade…

Portugal’s left-leaning economic recovery

Portugal has been getting noticed for its remarkable recovery in the last two years, defying the doomsayers who predicted the devil was coming the moment that the Troika-prescribed policies were reversed and an expansionary policy was adopted instead. The left-wing…

Beyond state capitalism: The commons economy in our lifetimes

By James Bernard Quilligan In considering the essential problem of how to produce and distribute material wealth, virtually all of the great economists in Western history have ignored the significance of the commons—the shared resources of nature and society that people…

Global crises accelerate as Tax Havens hide trillions for world’s greedy few

While new research suggests 10 percent of world GDP held in offshore shelters, UN human rights expert says poorest paying enormous price by Jessica Corbett, staff writer for Common Dreams While the world’s richest stash trillions away for themselves, outlandish…

A lesson from Hurricane Irma: capitalism can’t save the planet – it can only destroy it

The perpetual quest for growth drives our economics. That’s why our environment and financial system lurch from crisis to crisis By George Monbiot for The Guardian There was “a flaw” in the theory: this is the famous admission by Alan…

DiEM25: the courage to imagine and to the transform the EU

On Saturday, 9th of September, the week before the official speech by Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, on the State of the European Union, DiEM25[1] was in BOZAR theatre, Brussels, to show another vision of the European…

Can the Gender Gap Be Measured in Dollars Only?

By Baher Kamal Until a decade or so ago, experts and world organisations measured the impact of natural and man-made disasters in terms of human losses. For instance, they would inform about the number –and suffering—of human beings falling victims…

Heroes And Sheroes Of Plural India: Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain

By Nivedita Dwivedi This article is part of a series called “Heroes And Sheroes Of Plural India” under #AnHourForCommunalHramony campaign to celebrate the Heroes and Sheroes who struggled to shape modern India in all its plurality.  Today we celebrate Rokeya…

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