

Face 2 Face with Tom Cayler

On this show we speak with Tom Cayler, chairman of the Illegal Hotel Committee for Manhattan’s West Side Neighborhood Alliance. The committee works against landlords who push people out to convert their apartments into illegal hotel rooms, and thus decreasing…

Bitcoin Frenzy: The Fever Chart Of A Deepening Crisis

By Guy Lane Bitcoin mining – the mechanism of creating Bitcoins and approving transactions on the blockchain – consumes prodigious amounts of electricity due to the use of a ‘Proof of Work’ cryptographic algorithm. While some Bitcoin is mined using…

Global inequality is on the rise – but at vastly different rates across the world

Antonio Savoia, University of Manchester Inequality is rising almost everywhere across the world – that’s the clear finding of the first ever World Inequality Report. In particular, it has grown fastest in Russia, India and China – places where this…

LEAKED: Commission trying to woo German conservatives by sacrificing Europe to austerity

Scarcely a week after the European Council turned its back on the democratic will of Europe’s citizens, we have been greeted by another ominous move that at once confirms our fears about the authoritarian direction the EU has adopted, while…

Bitcoin Frenzy: The Fever Chart Of A Deepening Crisis

By Nick Beams According to the official scenario, the world economy is enjoying its best period of growth since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, which ushered in the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. According to…

What to do about the EU’s new trade agenda in Latin America?

By Florian Horn – 16.11.2017 – Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation Brussels Report from the forum on “The Shape of Trade to Come” About ten years ago, the European Union (EU) introduced Global Europe, its most ambitious trade policy strategy to date. It was…

UK and other European governments are racing to the bottom on corporate tax despite Paradise Papers

Press Release Tax Justice UK European governments are leading a race to the bottom which will see average global corporate tax rates hit zero by 2052, according to new findings out today. A detailed analysis of 17 EU member states…

Capitalism vs Climate change: it’s urgent to take sides

By Aris Telonis for DiEM25. The Paris Agreement is a historic landmark of our times. But it is not an overstatement to argue that there are scientific or journalist reports on climate change almost daily. Despite all this media attention,…

Universal Basic Income. Return to Eden?

The “modern” relationship between human beings and Work begins with the Neolithic Revolution when agriculture and animal husbandry coincides with the establishment of permanent settlements. The beginning of this process in different regions has been dated from 10,000 to 8,000…

Chancellor misses a golden opportunity to raise money by tackling tax avoidance in the [UK] Budget

Tax Justice UK PRESS RELEASE | 22 NOVEMBER 2017 For immediate release Philip Hammond could have taken decisive action in today’s Budget to increase the amount of government funding available to support increasingly over-stretched public services, but he chose not…

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