

Why we should start taxing the robots that are taking human jobs

Ryan Abbott, University of Surrey and Bret Bogenschneider, University of Surrey  for The Conversation Automation promises to be one of the great social challenges of our generation. The fear that robots will steal our jobs is an old one. But it’s…

How Uncle Sam launders marijuana money

The government accepts marijuana money for taxes… The government makes a massive profit off the deal, snatching up to 70 percent of the proceeds of the reporting businesses, as opposed to the more typical rate of 30 percent … [since they] are not…

Why China Is Running Circles Around America

Rather than regarding China as a national security threat and putting our resources into rebuilding our military defenses, we might get further ahead by studying its successful economic policies and adapting them to rebuild our own crumbling roads and bridges…

Europe’s big Plans for Iran Trade announce Independence from Trump’s Washington

France, Belgium, Italy and other European countries are setting up state-backed Euro-denominated investment and trade pipelines that avoid US currency and banks. Italy alone is planning to invest $5 bn in Iran. By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | Feb. 26, 2018…

Sociopathy Compounded by Stupidity Shows the Way Forward!

By David Swanson The Charlottesville Daily Progress has published a version of an editorial by the Richmond Times Dispatch that points the way to peace and prosperity! It begins: “When it comes to federal defense spending, Virginia ranks No. 1. Defense dollars account for one-third of…

The Venezuelan “Petro” – Towards A New World Reserve Currency?

By Peter Koenig As this article goes to print, Globovision TV quotes Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announcing the launch of a new cryptocurrency, the “Petro Oro”. It will be backed by precious metals. The launch of the new cryptomoney is…

Brexit between the lines: plot to ditch EU safety standards on food and drugs

A document uncovered by Greenpeace’s investigative unit (published accidentally by the Initiative for Free Trade) has revealed “a drive to lobby ministers to ditch strict EU safety standards in order to secure a US trade deal is being drawn up by a…

71 Dead. And still no arrests? How come? Grenfell still burning

On 15/2/18 three billboards were paraded through central London . Inspired by the film Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, the protest took the three lorries around London, making significant stops by the Houses of Parliament and St Paul’s Cathedral. Background “The Grenfell…

Homeless in America illustrates inequality discussions at Davos

by Dr Arshad M Khan — January 26, 2018 for Countercurrents A few days ago Oxfam reported on wealth inequality: The richest one percent wrapped their hands around 82 percent of the wealth created last year. Worse the 3.7 billion…

British austerity policies lie at heart of soaring homelessness and related health harms, argue experts

Science Daily reports on a British Medical Journal article by Mark Fransham and Danny Dorling at the University of Oxford calling for action on welfare reform and the housing market. “The number of people officially recorded as sleeping on the…

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