

How Chinese products went from cheap and cheerful to weapons in US trade war

Qing Shan Ding, University of Huddersfield for The Conversation Tensions are escalating between China and the US over trade. The Chinese government has announced retaliatory measures on a range of American products including cars and some American agriculture products after…

What will it Take to Win the Union at Delta?

A campaign by flight attendants and baggage handlers at Delta Air Lines to form a union with the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is gaining ground, with a rally planned for this Wednesday, April 4, in St.…

The ways of the Lord (money) are inscrutable

The resignation of the now ex-president of Peru Pedro Kuczynski, has been one more chapter in the complex network of corruption built between the Brazilian company Odebrecht and his companions of misdeeds of the public and private sector in Latin…

Italy, Germany and the EU’s Future

The once powerful center-left went down to defeat. As it accommodated to capital, it eroded its trade union base. It bailed out banks and financial speculators, while inflicting ruinous austerity measures on their own populations to pay for it. When center-left…

Money rules the world – but who rules money?

Berne – The referendum campaign for the Sovereign Money Initiative is being presented in Berne today. The people bringing the initiative put a question to the Swiss voters: Who should be allowed to create our Swiss francs? Private commercial banks…

The Global Elite is Insane Revisited

In 2014 I wrote an article titled ‘The Global Elite is Insane’. I want to elaborate what I explained in the earlier article so that people have a clearer sense of what we are up against in our struggle to…

China irons out high-altitude jet fighter engine faults to boost defenses against India

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali Chinese military releases video of aircraft on smooth runs in country’s mountainous southwest, suggesting advances to problem-plagued AL-31F engines, South China Morning Post has reported. Footage of Chinese warplanes on drills in the country’s mountainous southwest…

329 financial institutions shamed for assisting nuclear weapon production

Today marked the release by PAX, the Dutch peace organisation, of their annual Don’t Bank on the Bomb report.  This year’s report is more relevant than ever given last year’s historic agreement by 122 countries on the text of the…

Donald Trump’s Tariff War

By Dr Binoy Kampmark “To protect our Country, we must protect American Steel!” Donald J. Trump, Twitter, Mar 5, 2018 As an agent of chaos, US President Donald Trump is keeping busy.  Last week’s announcement that tariffs will be imposed…

Blockchain Will Upend Big Medicine

Posted on: Monday, February 26th 2018 at 1:45 pm Written By: James Grundvig The original article, copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018, can be found here. Here are GreenMedInfo Re-post guidelines Translated into Italian in two parts: here and here  …

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