

How high streets and shopping malls face a ‘domino effect’ from major store closures

Omar Toulan, IMD Business School and Niccolò Pisani, University of Amsterdam for The Conversation Traditional retail is in the centre of a storm – and British department store chain House of Fraser is the latest to succumb to the tempest.…

A respectable result for the Sovereign Money Initiative (Vollgeld-initiative)

Despite the campaign of confusion and fear run by our opponents and the misinformation provided by the Federal Council and the Swiss National Bank, an estimated 26% voted for the Sovereign Money Initiative. This is a respectable outcome and shows that…

Swiss referendum may change the way money is created in the economy

by Stan Jourdan, for Positive Money Europe* On June 10, Switzerland will be the first country to hold a nationwide referendum on “sovereign money”. Emma Dawnay, board member of the Swiss campaign explains how citizens would benefit from this proposal.…

Markets: The enemy shows its face

Recent events have clearly demonstrated the great role and power of the so-called markets. The words of the European Budget Commissioner, Günther Oettinger, “The markets will teach the Italians how to vote correctly” are unequivocal. In fact, this is a…

Young people are leading a growing movement against low pay and precarious work

Wil Chivers, Cardiff University; Helen Blakely, Cardiff University, and Steve Davies for The Conversation Strikes have taken place at McDonald’s and TGI Friday’s restaurants across the UK in recent months. These strikes are the first of their kind in the…

The Brexit likely side effects they did not tell you about

In the post-truth/fake news era nobody gets surprised that a dirty tricks campaign for Brexit resulted in a number of threats now facing the UK´s new trade deals. Here are just some of them: Revealed: rightwing groups plot to ditch…

500 years is long enough! Human Depravity in the Congo

By Robert J. Burrowes I would like to tell you something about human depravity and illustrate just how widespread it is among those we often regard as ‘responsible’. I am going to use the Democratic Republic of the Congo as…

[UK] Enough of Carillion culture. Make bosses pay for the carnage they cause

By George Monbiot for The Guardian Here’s how to tame corporate power, and prevent ruthless executives from enriching themselves by harming us Once more, they walk away. Like those at RBS, Northern Rock and a host of other corporate zombies, senior…

The Flat Tax: Stealing from the middle class to give to the rich?

In most parts of the world and also in Italy there is a progressive tax system. Progressive because the rate increases with increasing income: if I earn 1000 I pay 10 but if I earn 10000 I don’t pay 100…

Guillermo Sullings: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer

Economist, Guillermo Sullings, author of the book “At the Crossroads of Humanity’s Future: the steps towards the Universal Human Nation” talks about the difference between globalisation and planetarisation, the European Humanist Forum, neoliberalism and how to surpass it, and the…

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