

Philippe van Parijs, ‘The biggest objection to a basic income is moral’

Here, we publish the complete interview with the philosopher and economist, Philippe van Parijs, for the documentary UBI our right to live by director Álvaro Orús. This documentary has been supported by Humanistas por la Renta Básica Universal and our…

China has been preparing for a trade war for over a decade

Thursday, 12 July 2018 07:24 Brandon Smith for Alt-market The crash of 2008 brought with it a host of strange economic paradigms rarely if ever seen in history; paradigms which have turned normal fiscal analysis on its head. While some…

Conservatives? No – Brexit has shown us what they really are

By George Monbiot for The Guardian  They are no longer defending traditional values of national character and continuity, but rather catering to big business     It’s a remarkable thing to witness: senior Conservatives attacking big business. It is not just Boris…

Free markets and the decline of democracy

By JOHN WEEKS 18 July 2018 for openDemocracy What is the source of the 21st century tendency to authoritarianism? The central purpose of neoliberal re-regulation is to remove economic policy from control by representative democracy. It is difficult to find…

Pressenza NYC News-show about the ​Nuclear ​Divestment Campaign

Panel with Anthony Donovan, Director of the documentary ​”​Good Thinking​;​”​ Ray Acheson, Director of Reaching Critical Will​; ​and ​Susi Snyder​, of Don’t Bank on the Bomb​. Hosted by David Andersson​, ​Pressenza NYC. We ​discussed the campaign ​in the US​,​ including…

US-China trade: China is building bridges with the world while the US puts up walls

Yuka Kobayashi, SOAS, University of London for The Conversation China first built its famous Great Wall in the Qin dynasty during the third century BC. Never has there been a greater symbol of protectionism. But today China is outward facing…

California Dreaming: Cannabis Cash, Public Banks—and the State’s Own Mini-Fed?

by Ellen Brown originally posted on Truthdig, 03/07/2018   Spurred by the heavily cash-reliant cannabis industry, Los Angeles residents will be the first in the country to vote on a public banking mandate, after the City Council agreed on June 29…

Why private alternatives to the NHS are so much more expensive

Cam Donaldson, Glasgow Caledonian University for The Conversation The NHS has survived to the age of 70 and now costs the UK just over £120 billion per annum. Many advanced economies spend even more on healthcare per head of population.…

Independent unions found new global union federation

By In May 2018 the “International Confederation of Labour” was founded in Italy to unite independent unions and worker organisations across frontiers. We interviewed delegates at the congress to hear about their union activities at home and what they…

Switzerland fails to start a money revolution, but opens debate about a mechanism of economic violence

“This Sunday, Switzerland will hold an historical referendum on how money should be created. Watch this short video to understand what the vote is about – and share with your friends!” (Facebook posting by Positive Money Europe prior to the…

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