

Sara Bizarro: “It’s very difficult to make plans when you don’t have a basic income security”

Sara Bizarro, member of BIEN and of USBIG and a research fellow at CEPS, talks about different approaches to Universal Basic Income in the US and in Europe in the full interview she gave for the documentary “UBI, our right…

Why universal basic income costs far less than you think

Elizaveta Fouksman, University of Oxford  for The Conversation Want to get rid of poverty, lessen inequality and provide financial stability in a world of precarious work? Well, why not simply give everyone enough money to ensure basic sustenance? This is the…

Scott Santens, activist and example of how to live on a basic income

Activist Scott Santens is American and lives in New Orleans. Through a crowfunding campaign he lives from his own basic income. Álvaro Orús and Mayte Quintanilla “I’m dedicating my life to making this idea really come to light,” Scott Santens…

The enemy between us: how inequality erodes our mental health

By KATE PICKETT and RICHARD WILKINSON 12 August 2018 for openDemocracy Inequality creates the social and political divisions that isolate us from each other. When people are asked what matters most for their happiness and wellbeing, they tend to talk about…

Louise Haagh: the right to subsistence is not guaranteed

The RBU is the only missing element in the welfare state we established after the last world war to guarantee the right to subsistence, according to Louise Haagh, President of BIEN and Professor at York University (England). “To be able…

Weaker RMB amid U.S. tariff, monetary policies: experts

“The falling of the renminbi is not a kind of policy response to the trade war, but it will really affect the result of the trade war. I think this is largely because of the appreciation of the U.S. dollar.…

US tariff move will not achieve “winnable” results: strategist

“In the short run, I think we’re still waiting to find out where the pain is and where the pain isn’t. In recent polling, 17 percent of Americans say their financial situation is somehow been impacted by this in a…

China hopes emerging market economies, developing countries to enhance cooperation

Press briefing by Chinese Foreign Ministry in progress “Since the trends of unilateralism and trade protectionism are on the rise, it is necessary to deepen solidarity and cooperation between emerging market countries and developing countries to oppose unilateralism and protectionism,…

Sanders: Thank you, Koch brothers, for accidentally making the case for Medicare for All!

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., thanked billionaire mega donors Charles and David Koch for unintentionally helping make the case for Medicare for all. Sanders’s remarks came in a video posted on his Twitter account. The words: “Thank you Koch Brothers” appeared…

The USA Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power

by Paul Craig Roberts, July 30, 2018 The United States government has never allowed independent governments in Latin America. Every time people elect a government that represents them instead of US economic interests, Washington overthrows the elected government. Marine General Smedley…

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