

Happy birthday missed opportunity. Welcome new window

“Capitalism’s near-death experience with the banking crisis was a golden opportunity for progressives. But they blew it.  “…preparations are well under way for protests to mark next month’s 10th anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers – the pivotal moment in the…

Sanders vs. Amazon Intensifies as Senator Stands With Struggling Workers Against World’s Richest Man

“No one working for a man who earns $260 million a day should be forced to sleep in their car. Yet that is what’s happening at Amazon.” by Jake Johnson, staff writer for Common Dreams After Amazon issued a rare blog…

Germany seeks Independence from the US$

by Paul Craig Roberts, 28/08/2018. Germany’s Foreign Minister Says Sovereignty Requires Independence from Washington: “Europe no longer wants to be a vassal state to US monopoly over global payments, and will now aggressively pursue its own “Swift” network that is…

Guy Standing: The Basic Income is a fundamental emancipator policy

For the British economist and co-founder of the Basic Income Earth Network, Basic Income is not a panacea but it helps society to advance to a better life This is the latest in a series of interviews that we have…

Syria’s crisis has set back its economy

The Syrian crisis has greatly set back the economy of this once middle-income country, bringing about direct losses up to 120 billion U.S. dollars to the country as a whole and an alarming 268 billion U.S. dollars to the industries.…

Sonja Scherndl: Global problems need global solutions

A member of Share the World’s Resources, she believes there is only one humanity and we must work together for the good of all. Sonja Scherndl works at Share the World’s Resources in London. She first heard about Basic Income…

Ping Xu proposes a worldwide movement for a basic income

Ping Xu is the founder of UBI Taiwan. From concert pianist in the USA to translator for immigrants, passing through living on the street, Xu explains to us in this interview for the documentary “RBUI, our right to live” the…

Rena Masuyana sees basic income as a means to ensure love and education for children

The Japanese filmmaker, Rena Masuyana, directed the film “Basic Income First Year” with the aim of popularizing and making the idea of a basic income understandable. In this interview for the documentary “UBI, our right to live” by director Álvaro…

SfruttaZero, the tomato sauce project promoting awareness, solidarity and hope

In Puglia, a group of young Italians and migrants has launched an extraordinary venture, restoring positive meaning to the tomato, one of the symbols of a region where the exploitation of illegal workers for casual labour is rife. We talk…

Cosima Kern: Religion and the belief system are the main challenges of implementing Basic Income in Germany

Cosima Kern is Vice-chair of Germany’s Basic Income Alliance “Bündnis Grundeinkommen”, founded in 2016. The party’s aim is to get established political parties talking about the Basic Income. “We are seeing that many people are interested in Basic Income, more…

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