

Piketty’s proposal to remake Europe

By Howard Richards In the midst of more than one crisis, a stellar group of left-leaning intellectuals led by Thomas Piketty has written a proposal to remake Europe. It includes a manifesto, a treaty establishing what would amount to a…

Brussels to raise investment walls against China

By Leonidas Vatikiotis[1]. The European Union is preparing to close the door to China in the New Year, copying US President Donald Trump’s economic policy. In particular, as Bloomberg has revealed, intensive negotiations have long been going on between the…

Too scared of Corbyn to run the country or produce a coherent Brexit

After being defeated three times in Parliament on issues related to Brexit many are asking themselves why is Mrs May, the British Prime Minister, not resigning. Many members of her own party are dismayed at the mess negotiated by her…

G20: False dilemmas, theatre and cruelty

Today, the G20 is a meeting that politically represents the interests of large corporations and global finance. In other words, it serves the business of capital and in no way takes into account the well-being of the people who live…

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

More than 40 Million Victims of Forced Labor and Trafficking; Over 150 Million Children Subject to Child Labor. Slavery is not merely a historical relic. According to the International Labor Organization (ILO) more than 40 million people worldwide are victims…

Nationalisation Without Compensation

“…The City of London is our enemy and will naturally attempt to resist or punish any attack on its continued ability to be the conduit for the hoovering dry of the national wealth…” When slavery was abolished in the British…

EU-Tanzania clash: follow the money?

Until a couple of weeks ago, there had never been so much talk of Tanzania in the Western media. Many people wonder if behind the scenes there is something more relevant than African homofobia. In fact, they invite you to…

Capitalism must be turned inside out

By Hadrien Coumans Capitalism hasn’t evolved since 1609 when the corporate and destructive Dutch West India Company arrived in Manhattan to colonize and then built the wall to keep the Lenape out, which Wall Street was named after. The only…

UN criticises UK austerity induced poverty…so…mission accomplished?

“The UK government has inflicted “great misery” on its people with “punitive, mean-spirited, and often callous” austerity policies driven by a political desire to undertake social re-engineering rather than economic necessity, the United Nations poverty envoy has found. “Philip Alston,…

Unconditional Basic Income Europe network meets in Budapest for a public conference and workshops among its members

In Budapest, a conference and workshops on the topic of unconditional basic income, organised by UBIE and its partners in Hungary, took place on the weekend of 23-25 November. At the conference on Friday 25th, experts, politicians and specialists spoke…

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