

Climate strikes: Greta Thunberg calls for ‘system change not climate change’ – here’s what that could look like

Sheila M. Cannon, Trinity College Dublin for The Conversation Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swedish climate activist, is calling for system change. At a press conference in Brussels, she told the European Commission that in order to fight climate change we…

Thomas Piketty vs. Yanis Varoufakis

By Howard Richards Certainly, we all should be grateful to Thomas Piketty and Yanis Varoufakis. Nobody has worked harder or more intelligently for the common good. But gratitude does not entail agreement. That a lot of hard work and brain…

Brexit Britain’s weakness exposed in US trade deal documents

Michael Plouffe, UCL for The Conversation The US has published its objectives for a proposed trade agreement with the UK – and its thinking highlights just how weak Britain’s bargaining position will be in the post-Brexit global economy. The US…

The BREXIT Saga in the Ides of March

Last night the British Parliament affirmed its decision to take the Brexit process into its own hands, a saga which for too long has divided the population and deeply affected the economic and social well-being of the country. In consecutive…

How US Sanctions are Hurting Iran: A Firsthand Report

By Medea Benjamin On a recent delegation to Iran, we experienced first-hand the legendary Iranian hospitality. Iranians are particularly thrilled to meet Americans, but as we discovered, our government’s policies are hurting the very people who want to be our…

How young activists turned the old idea of a Green New Deal into a powerful movement

Nick Engelfried  March 5, 2019 Last week over 250 young people converged on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s office in Washington, D.C. for a sit-in marking one of the latest escalations in the youth-led campaign for a Green New Deal. The…

A Green New Basic Income Guarantee

By David Swanson U.S. military spending eight years ago was at $1.2 trillion per year, when one added in the nukes in the Energy Department, the Homeland Security Department, the CIA, interest on debt, veterans’ care, etc. Now it’s at $1.3 trillion. In…

Elite Banking at Your Expense: How Secretive Tax Havens are Used to Steal Your Money

Tax havens are locations around the world where wealthy individuals, criminals and terrorists, as well as governments and government agencies (such as the CIA), banks, corporations, hedge funds, international organizations (such as the Vatican) and crime syndicates (such as the…

Rally to Move the Money!

Move the Money Coalition Calls for Congress to Shift Military Budget Funds to Human Needs & Services This morning outside New York City Hall Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez was joined by the Move the Money Coalition, comprised of Veterans for…

Lost in Globalisation – A Chaotic Tale of a Process Now Being Dismantled (Apparently)

By Baher Kamal* Do not panic! This is not about telling you how bank accounts and pension funds have been used to finance the production of nuclear bombs (they call it ‘investment’). Nor it is about the four dozens of…

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