

The Indigenous Movement is Already in the Capital

Videos: Alberto Vargas – Cover photo: Patricio tapia After overcoming many difficulties thanks to an impressive tenacity, the indigenous movement has arrived in Quito to join the national strike for next October 9. More information in this link:  

“Unprecedented’ rise in infant mortality in England linked to poverty

Science Daily reports “New study, published in BMJ Open, links a rise in infant mortality in England to poverty.” The research was carried out because “Infant mortality rate (IMR) has risen for the last four years in England, yet the…

[Ecuador] National strike: The cry of the people in the streets

By Fluxus Foto After the official announcement of the new economic measures, mainly the liberation of the subsidy to the prices of the extra gasoline and diesel, the union of transporters at national level decided to call a paralysis of…

Why we must reform the IMF – before it’s too late

The fund’s legacy of austerity must be replaced by a new social contract based on shared prosperity and a just transition to a zero-carbon future. Leo Baunach  Lara Merling for openDemocracy 3 October 2019 This article is part of ourEconomy’s…

Universal Basic Income is a game changer for writers. Come march with us for it!

For many decades now, the United States has been a very hard and inhospitable place to be a writer—there is virtually no support for our craft, despite the importance of having a populace that knows how to write. Many writers…

The Robots Are Not Coming

By Alex Howlett If you follow technology, you could be forgiven for believing that humanity is standing the precipice of a robot apocalypse. It’s only a matter of time before automation eliminates so many jobs that humans will simply no…

China’s Miracle – as seen by the official China itself

Editor’s note: TFF wants to let you hear how the official China looks upon itself and its achievements, particularly since the country celebrates its 79th Anniversary on October 1, 2019. Jan Oberg, editor of The Transnational The reason is that you…

Basic income is paving a path to freedom in Kenya

Kenya is running the world’s most ambitious basic income pilot yet, but will its results be enough to forge a whole new approach to poverty reduction? Caroline Teti for openDemocracy 30 September 2019 Beyond Trafficking and Slavery: Tell us a…

Face 2 Face with Diane Pagen

On this show we speak with Diane Pagen with Basic Income NYC about universal basic income (UBI) and how that model of guaranteed income works. She also discusses the Basic Income March that will take place in NYC on Saturday,…

The dirty secret of capitalism — and a new way forward

Nick Hanauer is a rich guy, an unrepentant capitalist — and he has something to say to his fellow plutocrats: Wake up! Growing inequality is about to push our societies into conditions resembling pre-revolutionary France. Hear his argument about why…

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