

People taking to the streets in all continents demanding a humanised system

We are witnessing a moment of widespread social mobilisation in many cities around the world that seems to be gathering pace as the numbers swell and the demands become clearer, even if they begin with a very particular response to…

Andrew Yang in a Marathon to Answer Americans

By Jhon Sánchez On Friday, October 18, Andrew Yang answered livestream questions from the general public. At the beginning of the 10-hour marathon, Andrew Yang had 20,000 questions on the website and 10,000 more using the hashtag-Andrew crosstalk platform. He’s…

Chile: Mass evasion in the Santiago Metro, widespread demonstrations in the capital and declaration of a state of emergency

This week there was a massive call to jump over the paying turnstiles of the Santiago Metro, in response to the fourth fare rise so far this year. Mainly high school students entered the stations en masse, surpassing the responsiveness…

Ecuador –The fight Against Moreno and the IMF is far from Over

By Peter Koenig In Ecuador, the fight against IMF austerity measures is far from over. Just a few hours after my article was published on Sunday, 13 October,Ecuador  – and the IMF’s Killing Spree –, President Lenin Moreno declared the infamous…

Ecuador: From the middle of the world to the end of the world

By Boaventura de Sousa Santos As its very name suggests, Ecuador is geographically located in the middle of the world. And now, from all appearances, neoliberalism has decided to carry out its end-of-the-world maneuvers in this country. That is perhaps…

Economics Nobel 2019: why Banerjee, Duflo and Kremer won

Arnab Bhattacharjee, Heriot-Watt University and Mark Schaffer, Heriot-Watt University for The Conversation The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2019 (commonly known as the Nobel Prize for Economics) has been awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther…

People’s protest in Ecuador compels Moreno government to drop IMF’s prescription of neo-liberal measure

By Countercurrents Collective United Nations-backed dialogue between the right wing Lenin Moreno’s government and leaders of protesting people including indigenous people’s organizations reached a deal Sunday to revoke pro-International Monetary Fund (IMF) Decree 883, end strikes across the country, and…

Ecuador: Resistance goes on

Pictures: Marcelo Rivera, William Tipán and Walker Vizcarra Video: Walker Vizcarra Ecuador has had 9 days of protests and paralysis at the national level, after having ordered the elimination of subsidies and other economic measures by executive decree. The days…

Repression in Yesterday’s Protests in Quito

Photos by: Alejandro Ramírez Anderson The general mobilization in Ecuador, especially in Quito, has gained more strength with the arrival of numerous groups of indigenous people who come to claim and demand their rights. At the same time, repression has…

Indigenous-Led Anti-Austerity Protests Shut Down Quito Forcing Ecuadorian Government to Move Capital

Tens of thousands of people, led by indigenous leaders, are expected to again bring Ecuador to a standstill today in massive ongoing anti-government protests. Demonstrators flooded the streets of Quito Tuesday to decry government-imposed austerity measures and a steep hike…

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