

New development models to drive growth and employment for youth in Africa

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today launched the Global Environment Outlook-6 (GEO-6) for Youth in Africa report on the margins of the 17th session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN). The report analyses the economic opportunities…

UN overwhelmingly votes for ending U.S. blockade against Cuba

12:05 pm The voting process begins. Result: 187 in favor; 3 against; 2 abstentions Against: Israel, the United States, Brazil Abstaining: Colombia and Ukraine The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Thursday overwhelming voted in favor of the resolution demanding ending of…

Jeremy Corbyn is right: billionaires and poverty should not coexist

It’s ludicrous to suggest that we need billionaires to incentivise work and wealth creation. Luke Hildyard for openDemocracy billion pounds is an almost incomprehensible amount of money. One of the most successful tricks that the rich and powerful have pulled…

U.S. debt exceeds $23 trillion for the first time in history

By Countercurrents Collective U.S. Treasury Department figures released Friday show: U.S. public debt has surpassed $23 trillion for the first time in history, rising more than 100 percent in less than a decade and more than a trillion dollars this…

Blue Economy: A new economic frontier of Bangladesh

By Mushfiqul Haque Mukit The ocean considered as a source of wealth for millennia, and conjoining to the economies around the world. There are many large cities and centers of commerce developed depends on access to the sea, and now…

Neoliberalism tells us we’re selfish souls – how can we promote other identities?

Public support for co-operation, collective ownership and mutual care have persisted, despite the popularity of some of the neoliberal agenda. What policies could the left pursue to build from where we are now? Christine Berry for openDemocracy onomics is the…

The Yang Gang During the Basic Income March

By Jhon Sánchez One of Andrew Yang’s presidential proposals is to implement a guaranteed income of 1,000 dollars per month to all U.S. citizens. Freedom Dividend, as he called it, “is a form of universal basic income (UBI), a type…

Moscow once again appears on the African continent with the first Russia-Africa summit

By Abdus Sattar Ghazali The first ever two-day Russia-Africa economic summit ended Thursday in the resort city Sochi, Russia resulting over 92 commercial agreements worth $12 billion. About four dozen African leaders and high-level government officials attended the summit and…

Eighth Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives was held in Quito

In the framework of Nonviolent October, this morning and afternoon was held in Cumandá Parque Urbano, in the city of Quito, the 8th Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives. Hundreds of people visited stands and participated in recreational activities, sensory, with pets,…

Basic Income March from Harlem to the Bronx

By Jhon Sánchez and Photos by Franklin Chávez Pressenza’s crew joined the Basic Income March that took place in New York City, Saturday, October 26.  This initiative started under the leadership of Diane Pagen and the candidate to US congress…

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