

Corporations are Human Creations. We Can’t Let Them Threaten Our Survival

By David Korten We live in a world in extreme crisis. By the estimates of the Global Footprint Network, the human species currently consumes at a rate 1.7 times what Earth’s regenerative systems can sustain. Yet billions of people face a…

The New Deal, Bernie Sanders and Apple Pie

By Mark Lesseraux Did you know that FDR entered the presidency in 1932 during the Great Depression as a centrist Democrat with a mantra of, “Sorry, there just isn’t enough money to fix any of this.”? Then, a few months later…

Cooperation is the Key for our Future

As long as humans exist on this Earth, they must cooperate with each other if they want to survive. Technical progress has made humans even more dependent on each other. This is the most important insight that must be made…

Bernie Finally Puts a Number on Cutting Military Spending

Bernie Sanders’ campaign has published a fact sheet on how everything he proposes can be paid for. On that fact sheet we find this line in a list of items that collectively will pay for a Green New Deal: “Reducing…

How Are We Going to Pay for Saving Trillions of Dollars?

Enhanced Medicare for All — that wild scheme that Michael Bloomberg calls “untried” because it’s only been tested for decades in virtually every wealthy nation on earth — would cost $450 billion a year less than the current U.S. system. In the…

Global Economy Still Slowing, Dangerously Vulnerable

By Anis Chowdhury and Jomo Kwame Sundaram In an annual ritual early in the year, most major economic organizations have released forecasts for the global economy in 2020. Incredibly, almost as a reminder of where financial power resides in this day…

Forget Trump’s Lies, Here’s the Real Economic State of the Union

By Robert Reich I wasn’t going to comment on Trump’s lie-filled State of the Union message but the whoppers were so big—especially on the economy—that I feel compelled. Here, for the record, is the real state of the union: 1. JOBS: Average…

Degrowth Toward a Steady State Economy: Unifying Non-Growth Movements for Political Impact

Co-Written By Brian Czech and Riccardo Mastini Limits to Growth and the Environmental Movement No later than the 1960s, scholars wrote in rigorous terms of the limits to economic growth. Europeans such as E.F. Schumacher, Americans including Herman Daly, and…

UN chief outlines solutions to defeat ‘four horsemen’ threatening our global future

The start of the New Year finds the world facing four looming threats to human progress: surging geopolitical tensions, the climate crisis, global mistrust and the downsides of technology, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday. Global tensions mounting For…

Why Is Trump the Only Candidate With a Budget Proposal?

An important job of any U.S. president is to propose an annual budget to Congress. Shouldn’t it be a basic job of every presidential candidate to propose one to the public? Isn’t a budget a critical moral and political document…

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