

Hey Congress, Move the Money

The past month’s activism has changed a great deal. One thing it’s helped with is brushing aside the tired old argument over whether government should be big or small. In its place we have the much more useful argument over…

What the EU’s Corona Fundraising Tells us about Global Solidarity

Viewpoint by Inge Kaul The writer, Dr Inge Kaul, is Senior Fellow, Hertie School, Berlin and Non-resident Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development, Washington, DC. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen organized two spectacular fund-raising events, one on May…

Americans With Jobs Are Sharing Their Stimulus Checks With People Out of Work

With unemployment nearing Great Depression levels and many still waiting on any government support, a new person-to-person relief economy is forming. By April M. Short The responses of governments around the world to the pandemic and its resulting economic impacts…

Igbo Women Seek Biafra, Voice Nigeria’s Bleak Future

Nigeria is one of the largest by territory with population (estimated currently at 206 million) and huge economy in Africa. Situated on the southern coast on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean, this country most often referred to…

Donor Conference Boosts Sudan’s Economic Reconstruction

By Kester Kenn Klomegah During several years of Omar al-Bashir administration, Sudan’s economy was largely shattered due to political tyranny, deep-seated corruption and poor policies. According to the Corruptions Perception Index, Sudan is one of the most corrupt nations in…

With the Pandemic, the Time Has Come to Put Limits on Private Property

Today the world is fighting a pandemic. Sooner or later the health issue will be resolved, but the economic consequences will be devastating, perhaps worse than those of the collapse of 1929, if a global recovery plan and a global…

Universal Basic Income: Who Pays for It

Every time that someone suggests a social measure which requires an expenditure, neoliberals and fearful people immediately show up stating that “ there is no money”. This seems to be our society’s main problem: the shortage of money. But where…

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

Join the New York State Poor People’s Campaign Meeting on Wednesday, July 1 at 5pm In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad,…

Hajj 2020: coronavirus pandemic frustrates Saudi vision for expanded religious tourism

Saudi Arabia has finally clarified that due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic only very limited numbers of local pilgrims will be allowed to perform Hajj in 2020. During the past decade, the kingdom has typically welcomed between 1.9 to 3.2…

Germany promises record contribution to WHO

The infusion of half a billion euros to help fight the coronavirus pandemic would be the highest ever annual contribution to the WHO by Germany. Germany will contribute more than €500 million ($561 million) in funding for the World Health…

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