

A Marathon, Not a Sprint: Peru Needs Fiscal Reforms to Quell High COVID-19 Death Rate

By Laura Adriaensens and Sergio Chaparro Hernández “It’s a major paradox, no?” asks Hugo Ñopo, a researcher at the Peruvian think tank Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Since the beginning of the pandemic, Peru has presented itself as an example for the…

Charter Schools Find Gold in Federal Government Aid to Small Businesses While Black-Owned Firms Get the Shaft

During the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing economic fallout, the charter industry added to systemic inequities that afflict Black communities. By Jeff Bryant The charter school industry has done much during the COVID-19 pandemic to add to systemic inequities that…

Nigerian Postcard: Biafra’s Quest for Self-Determination

By Kester Kenn Klomegah Undoubtedly, Nigeria has entered a period of political uncertainty. With the next presidential election fast approaching, some politicians and experts are strongly advocating for, among others, a constitutional review considered as the best way to preserve…

EU Subsidies Benefit Big Farms While Underfunding Greener and Poorer Plots

Viewpoint by Murray Scown, Kimberly Nicholas & Mark Brady* The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the European Union’s largest budget item. For the 60 billion euro a year it pays in subsidies, the CAP is expected to support farmer incomes, ensure…

54 Million People in the U.S. May Go Hungry During Pandemic—Can Urban Farms Help?

In the COVID era, growing food locally has become more essential than ever. By Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner When I call Chef Q. Ibraheem to discuss urban farming in her own cooking career, she’s in the middle of placing an order…

Trade secrets: climate breakdown

by Nick Dearden New book Trade Secrets is based on a thorough analysis of leaked papers from three years of secretive trade talks, as well as multiple other official documents and sources. We are living through a climate emergency. If…

Proving ‘A Different World Is Possible,’ Exxon Dropped From Dow Jones After 92-Year Run

“Big Oil has fallen. Our job is to make sure they don’t take us down with them.” By  Julia Conley Climate campaigners on Tuesday marked a major milestone in the fight to eliminate the use of fossil fuels and transition…

Unstable Belarus could divide European Union

BY VIKTORS DOMBURS The members of the European Council held a video conference on 19 August. They discussed the situation which unfolded in the aftermath of the presidential elections in Belarus on 9 August. The EU calls on the Belarusian…

The “Coalition of the Determined”

For the EU to assert itself in the power competition between the USA and China, foreign policy makers are calling for a “core European” vanguard. German foreign and military policy makers are pushing for an EU global policy offensive and…

Put Gender Equality at the Heart of the Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery

By Valeria Esquivel Valeria Esquivel is Senior Employment Policies and Gender Officer, Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch, International Labour Organization (ILO) The pandemic is disproportionately affecting women workers. Governments should prioritize policies that offset the effects the COVID-19 crisis is…

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