

Colombia strengthens regional economies and promotes cooperation instead of competition

Latin America is emerging as the place to look for alternatives to the neoliberal economic system. In Colombia, the Gustavo Petro led government has spent the last year restructuring the previously isolated sector of small businesses and cooperatives. Petro wants…

Onerous Debt Making Poorest Poorer

Conditions and prospects are so bad that two well-known cheerleaders for globalization have called on rich nations to take urgent action. The former deputy managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and former vice president of the World Bank,…

Is Germany heading for a Dexit?

After the consummation of Brexit, Germany’s hypothetical exit from the Euro would bring about the end of the Eurozone and the gestation of a new European economic cartography that would mean a return to watertight economic compartments. The “debt brake”…

India is not among the top 10 development partners of Bangladesh

When India promptly felicitated Bangladesh for holding a “free and fair” 12th National Elections, the government leaders in Bangladesh were visibly excited. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated his Bangladesh counterpart Sheikh Hasina on her “victory for a historic fourth…

Global Coalition for Social Justice now has 100 partners

In two months of existence, the Global Coalition for Social Justice has brought together 100 governments, trade unions, employers’ organisations and international institutions, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) said in a statement on Wednesday, 24 January. By IPS Correspondent With…

Confronting permanent war

At the beginning of 2024, the world finds itself at an unprecedented juncture in history. A world war is underway, but it is unlike the previous ones. It is not called a world war and might not even be perceived…

China calls for greater efforts to advance South-South cooperation

Liu Guozhong, a Special Representative of Chinese President Xi Jinping, attended the 3rd South Summit in the Ugandan capital Kampala on Sunday, where he delivered a speech calling for further South-South cooperation and reform of the global governance system. This…

Thanks to Russia sanctions: India’s oil exports to Europe reach record levels

The emerging economic power India is pursuing in the face of the West’s sanctions on Russia is a pragmatic policy, which allows it to reap immense financial benefits, among other things. The Indians achieved record figures in 2023, primarily through…

China encourages foreign investment and sustains global prosperity

China has maintained its position as the world’s second-largest recipient of foreign investment since 2017 and remains one of the most attractive investment destinations globally. Despite the rising tide of de-globalization and protectionism, China has remained committed to high-level openness…

A world increasingly in the hands of the super-rich few. The new Oxfam Report

The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes in real terms since 2020, rising from $405 billion to $869 billion and growing at a rate of $14 million per hour. By contrast, the combined wealth of nearly…

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