

Imagine Russia Without Corporate European Businesses. It Takes Two to Tango While Some Prefer Breakdancing

Despite the series of sanctions, corporate European businesses are still highly interested in Russia and Russia recognizes the enormous significance and invaluable contributions of these businesses in its economy. The stark reality is that there are more European businesses in…

Why America’s Economic War on China Is Failing

By Vijay Prashad and John Ross U.S. President Donald Trump—supported by most of the U.S. establishment—deepened the U.S. government’s assault on the Chinese economy. The “trade war” seemed to play well with Trump’s political base, who somehow hoped that an…

Report outlines long road to post-COVID recovery for Latin America and Caribbean

Economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean will be slower than the return to productivity following the subprime mortgage crisis more than a decade ago, the head of the UN’s office for the region, ECLAC, said…

Doughnut Economy for Berlin

With her “Doughnut Economy”, British economist Kate Raworth brings a breath of fresh air into the discussions about sustainable economy. Of all things, she stylizes a greasy, sweet pastry rollas a symbol of doing economy in a sustainable way. According…

Indefinitely Postponed

EU-Africa meetings cancelled: EU falls behind in competition for influence on the African continent. In the competition for influence on the African continent, Berlin and the EU are falling further behind China and other emerging countries. The meeting of the…

German Catholic Workers throw support behind Europe-wide push for unconditional basic income

By: Cameron Doody – In light of the pandemic, “it is more than clear that we need an unconditional basic income in Europe” “In view of the effects of the pandemic measures, it is more than clear that we need an…

September 25: The collection of signatures for the European Citizens’ Initiative for an unconditional basic income begins.

This September 25, 2020, the collection of signatures begins to bring to fruition the European Citizen Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income. It involves the collection of 1 million signatures in at least 7 countries of the European Union and…

2020 Basic Income March for Change

By Jhon Sánchez Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote, “Time is on the side of change.” Yesterday, still without knowing of RBG’s death, I logged in to the online event to celebrate the progress of the UBI campaign in the USA and…

How Were 46 Million People Trapped by Student Debt? The History of an Unfulfilled Promise

It is long past time to recognize that the cruel experiment in financing higher education through student loans has failed. By Mary Green Swig, Steven L. Swig, David A. Bergeron, and Richard J. Eskow The democratic principle of tuition-free education…

Community Fridges Are Popping Up Across America for Mutual Aid Amid the Pandemic

Fighting food insecurity, one block at a time. By April M. Short On one side of a refrigerator that stands on a sidewalk in New Orleans, two alligators encircle a woman with dark mocha skin wearing a tattered white slip.…

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