

Russia Will Host XII BRICS Summit on 17 November

By Kester Kenn Klomegah Under Russia’s BRICS Chairmanship 2020, President Vladimir Putin will host Heads of State of Brazil, China, India and South Africa via videoconference on 17 November. Initially planned to take place in St. Petersburg in July, it…

Lithium and the Putsch

Berlin is again seeking access to the world’s largest lithium deposits located in Bolivia – after having supported the putschists. Following the presidential elections in Bolivia, the German government and business circles hope to have direct access to what are…

China: The Global Superpower

By Kester Kenn Klomegah Despite its large population of 1.5 billion which many have considered as an impediment, China’s domestic economic reforms and collaborative strategic diplomacy with external countries have made it attain superpower status over the United States. While…

The US is taking on Google in a huge antitrust case. It could change the face of online search

The US Department of Justice (DoJ) has filed an antitrust lawsuit against Google for unlawful monopolisation. The department says Google’s conduct harms competition and consumers, and reduces the ability of new innovative companies to develop and compete. It’s the most…

Reports: Germany issues warrants for Panama Papers lawyers

The Panama Papers leak exposed how some of the world’s richest people hide their money. German prosecutors are looking for those behind the law firm at the center of the tax haven scandal. Prosecutors in Germany have issued international arrest…

A Story of Empowerment, Growth and Hope

This story could be a classic example of entrepreneurship, one that we see all the time on TV screens, especially in bank advertisements that offer easy credit, but it is much more than that: it contains empowerment, training and, above…

Russian Chamber of Commerce Restructures Committee to Coordinate Russia’s Economic Operations with African Countries

By Kester Kenn Klomegah Largely dictated by the results of the first Russia-Africa summit and the persistent harsh economic sanction by the United States and European Union, Russia is seriously reorganizing towards increasing economic prints in Africa. Russia is, indeed,…

Unite against Washington’s ‘old-fashioned cold war mentality’, Beijing urges Asian nations

By Countercurrents Collective China’s top diplomat has urged neighboring states to guard against Washington’s geopolitical ambitions in Asia and called for regional cooperation to thwart foreign provocations in the South China Sea. Media reports said: Wang Yi, Chinese Foreign Minister,…

Biggest CO2 drop: Real-time data shows Covid-19’s massive impact on global emissions

While the ongoing Corona pandemic continues to threaten millions of lives around the world, the first half of 2020 saw an unprecedented decline in CO2 emissions – larger than during the financial crisis of 2008, the oil crisis of 1979,…

How India’s Leader Modi Is Changing Laws to Help Imperialists Dominate the Country’s Agriculture

Foreign investors and multinational companies have been pushing countries like India to become food-import-dependent and divert land devoted to food grain toward crops that imperialist countries can’t grow. By Prabhat Patnaik The two bills rushed through India’s parliament on September…

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